Chapter 8

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It had been 3 days since I attacked the town and I was taking it well, joking about it with my comrades.

Yes, I said comrades.

I had come across the mansion 5 years ago and I had lived there ever since, killing along side some of the most famous CreepyPasta's

I hated what they labeled us though Ben had gotten a kick out of it and called Slenderman that who beat the crap out of him...anyways, off topic.

I couldn't seem to get that girl off my mind.

No matter how much Sally and her stupid teddy bear bugged me or how much Ben beat me at video games I couldn't get her off my mind.

Trust me I tried but I just couldn't.

I refused to tell anybody in the mansion about this girl.

They would say I had "gone soft" or "had a crush"

I refused to be called any of that, so I simply kept my thoughts to myself.

I thought I was doing well today, I had already killed a family nearby on the other side of town and my mind was on my killing.

That was until I could have sworn I saw a familiar blonde dart across the empty streets and into an alleyway.

Sure it was dark out but I don't mistake people.

I know my victims very well.

Most don't make it out alive but I knew that this one did.

I knew it had to be her...

I didn't know why she was here but I knew it couldn't be good.

I turned on my heel and darted into the forest again, heading as fast as I could away from the crime scene.

I could hear footsteps behind me and they were fast, matching mine.

I zig zagged through the trees, knowing I was being followed.

She kept up well and no matter how much I zigged and zagged I couldn't get away

I panicked, I even thought of leading her to the mansion but I didn't dare.

I just pushed myself to run faster and faster through the dense forest.

After a few moments I couldn't run anymore.

My breath came in short gasps.

I slowed and then came to a stop, accepting my fate, whatever that might be.

I turned around only to see no one.

I let out a sigh of relief and even smiled a little, congratulating myself for outwitting another person.

I was about to step forward when I felt something on my shoulder.

I glanced down only to see a hand resting on my shoulder...

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