Chapter 1

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Hi guys! I've been writing this fan fiction for a while. It's about a fictional girl named Lucy and her relationship with Darren Criss and the rest of Team Starkid. Thanks for reading!!!

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Chapter 1: Lucy

“What would you rather see, The Women or Mildred Pierce?” I asked my best friend, Jess. We were standing outside Chicago’s Decades Movie Theater, where the owners were having a Joan Crawford special for the week. The theater was replicated to look exactly like an old-fashioned movie theater, with the movie names in big lights above the entrance and plush velvet seats inside. Even the prices were complete throwbacks-only $4 for a ticket and $2 for a snack.

Jess tucked a strand of her perfect blonde hair behind her ear, which just fell back into place. “I don’t know. It’s your week to pick anyway. I need to use the bathroom.”

“Don’t fall in,” I teased, even though I was the shorter of the two of us. She grinned and walked inside.

“Hmm….” I stood with my arms crossed from the cold outside, my breath making small puffs of condensation in the late September chill, staring at the two movie posters.

“Having trouble deciding?”

I turned my head. To my right was a guy, about my age, with curly black hair and bright eyes. I couldn’t deny he was attractive, but guys that look like that nearly always had girlfriends. He grinned at me. I could swear I’d seen him before, but I just couldn’t put my finger on it….

“Yeah,” I replied, smiling. “My mom always loved the old Joan Crawford movies, and I really like them both, but I don’t know what to pick.”

“Well, I’m personally not the biggest fan of chick flicks, but I heard Mildred Pierce is really good.” He took a step closer and peered at the movie poster.

“If I were you, I’d see Mildred Pierce. The Women is probably too chick-flicky for you,” I added with a smile.

He laughed. “Well, some of my friends are supposed to be coming, so I guess I’ll tell them this is what we’re seeing.” He stuck out his hand. “I’m Darren, by the way.”

I shook his hand and said “I’m Lucy.” Then realizing where I’ve seen him before, I blurted out, his hand still in mine, “Would it be weird if I told you there’s no need to introduce yourself?”

Darren laughed. “Force of habit.” His eyes flickered down to our still-joined hands, and he dropped his and broke the slightly awkward silence. “How’d you know?”

“I’m a big Harry Potter-slash-Starkid fan,” I said somewhat sheepishly.

“Ahh,” Darren said, and then glanced over at me. “Well, the rest of the Starkids are coming to the movie, if you’d like to meet them.”

“Seriously?” I said, grinning like an idiot.

“Yeah!” he said, grinning too. “Are you here alone?”

“No, my friend Jess is here too. She’s also a fan of yours,” I added, answering the question I knew he was about to ask.

“Hey, Lucy,” I heard Jess call from the entrance of the movie theater. She walked toward us. “What did you decide on?”

Darren and I looked at each other and said in unison, “Mildred Pierce.

“You’re Darren Criss,” Jess said, stating the total obvious.

“And you’re Jess?” Darren asked, holding out his hand.

“That’s me,” Jess answered, shaking it. She gave me a look when Darren turned toward a big group of people who were walking in our direction.

Darren turned toward us. “Come on,” he said, beckoning us forward. “There are a few people I think you’d like to meet.”

Jess and I looked at each other and followed him toward the Starkids.

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Sorry this chapter's kind of short! I had to start somewhere. : )

Hugs and butterfly kisses,


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