Meet Yuri

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A/N:I hope you enjoy this short story!~ read away!

Yuri Plisetsky's parents died at a young age leaving him with his grandfather. They eventually found Yuri a hobby he absolutely loved and it was ice skating. He was eventually found by Yakov and started training under him Yakov felt the boy was too young to be separated by his grandfather and commit to training at a young age so he gave him a few years before he can start fully training with him. They decided to move to Japan to change things up in their life abit. Yuri managed to learn the language and had no problem speaking the language as they stayed longer. They eventually met the Bakugo family, they got along very well especially Katsuki and Yuri and was practically a family but soon Yuri's grandfather got sick and was bedridden and could not leave the hospital and it was soon decided to be Yuri was under the care of the Bakugo family and they treated him liked he was their own son, soon enough Yuri had to fly back to Russia to train under Yakov, Yuri was a successful skater. He was providing money for both him and his grandfather as well as the Bakugo family he occasionally visits and keeps contact but he was getting busier and busier as he grew older his last visit was around 5 years ago and the teenager was now 15 winning the GPF with a successful senior debut.

Control water and creates waves, can travel using the waves.
Pros:water can be used in a solid form or harden.

ex: shield and spear.

Can change pressure of water.

Can also use waves that are blasted at opponents.

Cons:the longer period the less solid and easier to break through, also applies to using waves to travel with, the less solid, the water won't be able to support his weight.

The less hydrated.

Drains energy when using strong water pressure

the weaker stamina the weaker the pressure.

Figure Skating Hero?||Yuri on ice x My Hero Academia Crossover||short fanfic||Where stories live. Discover now