Chapter 3

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The class stare as Bakugo talked with Yuri who would sometimes smile at him as well as Bakugo which left them astonished.

"You haven't cut your hair huh, you look girly as ever. Not to mention your fucking weight, you look like you starved your self to fucking death asshat."Bakugo said.

"Calm down its normal."Yuri said as he now stared at the class who just watched them.

"Hello I'm the class representative Iida Tenya."A boy with glass said with weird hand gestures.

Soon enough he got to know everyone's name one by one.

"Mirodiya Izuku nice to meet you."A boy with green hair said when Yuri suddenly looked at him and went closer which caused the green haired boy to back away slowly.

"Your Deku aren't you?"Yuri asked making Midoriya looked shocked.

"H-how- Katsuki was being a bitch and kept mentioning your name while beating something up when we were kids."Yuri said surprising the class.

"YURA!"Bakugo shouted.

"Anyways I don't know what he was bitching about but keep doing it it's amusing."Yuri said smirking.

"Yuri-kun you look so pretty I could hardly tell you were a guy with your body frame and that height."Ashido said.

"Yeah Yuri you're so pretty it's unfair!"Uraraka said making Yuri blush which caused some girls major nosebleeds.

"Uh....your nose is letting out some weird fluids...."Yuri said while cringing at the sight.

"Hey man! How are you and Bakugo so close he's practically annoyed with everyone."Kirishima said while putting his arm around Yuri.

"I'll let him do the explaining."Yuri said smirking at Bakugo who looked like he wanted to kill Yuri.

"Oh, I got to go I need to do something at my dorm bye."Yuri said as he made his way out the room. (A/N: italics= Russian)

As soon as Yuri left Bakugo was bombarded with questions.

"Imagine Yuri without his shirt just look at his curves and the fact that he's a boy in a girls body makes the opportunity perfect."Mineta said while Bakugo kicks the boy.

"Bro how are you even close with him? And he's not as short tempered as you are?"Kirishima asked.

"He seemed to pick up your swearing mouth though but he's actually not as intense as you."Kaminari said.

Bakugo then shortly explained how they grew up together and about Yuri's grandpa, leaving out the part about Yuri figure skating since he knows Yuri doesn't like mentioning about it if people don't know him.

"For someone who grew up with you, he turned out the complete opposite of you well in appearance at least."Asui said which made Bakugo roll his eyes.

They continued their day having classes exited to greet Yuri and get to know him more once he they are at the dorm.

-At the dorm-
Yuri was currently changed into his usual all black outfit while doing his practicing his ballet.

He decided to dance to some music before he practicing what he needs to practice just to warm him up abit more.

The classes were done as they all made their way into their dorms showering and changing into more comfortable outfits.

Figure Skating Hero?||Yuri on ice x My Hero Academia Crossover||short fanfic||Where stories live. Discover now