Chapter 1

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Yuri was currently walking to go back home when he suddenly heard a cry for help.

He turned around to find a little boy running away from a villain as the boy bumped into Yuri.

"Help me!"The boy cried.

Yuri didn't use his quirk a lot but he still trained it incase a situation like this happens. He activated his water quirk and made a water sphere surrounding them acting as a shield.

"Call the cops, use my phone."Yuri said as the kid grabbed his phone and called the cops who were now on their way.

'I should make this as quick as possible.' Yuri thought.

"Water canon!"Yuri yelled as the villain was hit with the high pressured water like canon that was hard to keep his ground until he finally lost his footing as his body flung back hitting the wall as he was still being drowned by the water that was hitting him until he passed out due to the water pressure.

The cops finally arrive at the scene and arrested the villain and thanked the figure skater for the help and soon enough Yuri made headlines and was world trending.

Famous 15 year Russian old figure skater Yuri Plisetsky was walking home after his figure skating training who stumbled upon a little boy crying for help Yuri Plisetsky saved the little boy unharmed and the villain unconscious with no injuries using his water quirk or hydrokinesis quirk. 15 year old Yuri Plisetsky is not only a famous figure skating but a hero! What do you think about this figure skating hero?" Yakov read though the news said along with Lilia.

"You should be more careful Yura."Yakov said as he continued reading.

"Give him a break Yakov he made it back alive and that's all that matters now let's get back to practicing Yuri."Lilia said as they continued ballet practice.

-At Yuuei-

"This boy is interesting...."Nedzu said as he read the news.

"Surprisingly Russia is one of the countries that allow the usage of quirks without a license so technically this isn't vigilantism." Present Mic said.

"Interesting." Nedzu said.

"I agree looks like he knows what he was doing too the villain had no serious injuries..." Midnight said.

"He has potential..." All Might said.

"Too bad he's busy with his figure skating career."Aizawa said.

"I don't see the harm in making him attend Yuuei..."Nedzu said.

"He seems pretty busy with his schedule."Recovery girl said.

"Language barrier will be problematic as well."All Might said.

"He picked up the Japanese language so no need to worry."Nedzu said enthusiastically.

"I'm sure with a few negotiations he'll be in Yuuei, besides it's a shame to waste such potential, I don't even think I can accept a declined offer for an answer."The principal said giggling.

"What are those negotiations exactly?"Aizawa asked.

"Give him a place to practice skating, I'm sure it won't be a problem since we can use an ice quirk to make an ice rink area for him to practice. If he needs anything else we'll grant it."Nedzu said as if it's the easiest thing to do.

Figure Skating Hero?||Yuri on ice x My Hero Academia Crossover||short fanfic||Where stories live. Discover now