Chapter Eleven

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      Marigoldfall watched a group of cats leave to attack the clan(s) who killed Sootstorm. Marigoldfall couldn't help but to smile. Sometimes her clan was so foolish. It was like everyone in this clan as foolish. Well not me! I'm a smart one! Nobody could fool me!!

      Marigoldfall was left with Nightshade's kits who were at least five moons now. She was surprised on how amazing these kits were when it came to fighting. They would make excellent warriors in her clan. Well, besides Sunnykit, since she wanted to become a medicine cat. Either way, they would make the clan great!

      "Why did Nightshade leave us to fight? I thought she wasn't allowed to fight!" Sunnykit exclaimed, letting out a long deep sigh. Nightshade did in fact choose to leave her kits and join the fight. Rockstar didn't seem to argue with it either. Marigoldfall didn't know what she was planning. She did know that Sandstem, the cat she was ordered to kill, was still in camp. The problem was, she couldn't leave the kits. Plus, if she left with Sandstem and didn't come back with him that would be very suspicious. Unless I say Sandstem went to check something out. No, Sandstem isn't like that.

      "Did you hear me?" Marigoldfall was snapped out of her thoughts to come face-to-face with Firefrost. His green eyes were staring straight into Marigoldfall's amber eyes. She noticed that the kits weren't with her anymore. They must of been back into the nursery.

      "No." Marigoldfall meowed, surprisingly calm. Her bother hissed in frustration. He closed his eyes for a minute, took a breath, and opened them again.

      "Nightshade told me to tell you that the kits were ready." He meowed, sounding annoyed.

       "She told you first? Oh this is surprising. Kind of like your making this up." Marigoldfall with a small growl. Firefrost rolled his eyes. She didn't know if she could believe him or not. And what were the ready for if he was telling the truth?

       "Will you just listen to me!" Firefrost hissed, her fur starting to bristle," Nightshade told me to tell you that her kits were ready to be made apprentices!"

       "There only five moons!" Marigoldfall objected," They are still a moon young. She can wait!"

      "Blizzardpelt, Finchwing, and Sootstorm got their apprentice ceremonies early!" Firefrost meowed hotly. He looked super angry. Marigoldfall rolled her eyes.

       "They were liked in the clan." Marigoldfall mewed, flatly. It was Firefrost's turn to roll his eyes at her. The tension was rising between the two siblings. It was like a fight was going to break out any second. It was a shame that nobody seemed to notice the tension. Either that, or they thought it would be better to stay out of it.

      "Not the point." Firefrost growled. Marigoldfall let out a hiss of frustration. The one thing that was bugging her was: Why did Nightshade want her kits to made an apprentice so early? Marigoldfall decided to just let it go.

      "Fine. Whatever! Just go away before-" A yowl cut off what Marigoldfall was going to say. She saw a wounded Nightshade running in with some of the cats who went on the attack of all the clans. Their main goal was to kill the one who killed Sootstorm. Marigoldfall couldn't help but to think of another question. Why did the clan seem so easy to trick? Were they that gullible?

      Marigoldfall searched the crowd of cats and noticed that Rockstar was not among them? Was he killed in battle? This of been easier getting leadership than I have expected. Nightshade becomes Nightstar and I become her deputy- oh wait he is being helped by Hawkfall and Poppyfall.

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