Brunch At Pops

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(Alice POV)

Mary had just come back into town and Hermione and I decided that we should all go out to pops for old times sake. We were all Northside women with crap husbands or ex-husbands. As we all pulled up to pops my heart started racing when I saw FP through the window. We haven't really talked in weeks since I told him about Charles or when we slept together and he brushed me off.  I stoped in front of the door and froze, Mary asked. "Alice you okay? We don't have to eat here you know?" 

"No its fine, I'm just a little tired is all." I reply brushing it off and forcing myself through the doors. We grab our favorite booth which is the furthest one from the bar thankfully since FP is standing there cleaning dishes. 

"So hows life in Chicago?" Hermione asks Mary.

"Its fine, constantly busy and my job is fun." Mary replies.

"What do you do again?" I ask.

"I work at a clothing store, I am the manager, why?" Mary says

"Oh no reason just curious." I say.

"FP were ready to order!" Hermione yells calling him over. I quickly look down at the menu and try not to make eye contact, or any contact, of that matter with him. 

"Hello ladies what can I get you?" FP asks pulling out his pen and notepad.

"I'll have a strawberry milkshake and an order of fries." Mary says. 

"I'll have a vanilla with cookies milkshake, and a burger with fries." Hermione says then looking up waiting for me to order. 

"Um-" I start but he stops me by saying "I got it Al, I placed your order when you walked through the door." He says casually and walks away.

"Um what just happened?" Mary says beginning to laugh.

"What?" I say defensively.

"He placed your order the minute you walked through the door, he still knows it?" She says.

"Oh come on Mary he's clearly in love with her, of course he has her order memorized, oh and he's calling her 'Al' which means they slept together. He only does that then." Hermione says grinning and waiting for me to reply.

"I don't know what you are talking about." I say picking at my nail polish trying not to look up. 

"Why are you nervous then?" Mary asks.

"I'm not!" I say a little to loud.

"Oh come on Alice, look up, see the stare. He hasn't taken his eyes off you since you walked in and all you have done is avoid him." Hermione says.

"I have not done that, and he is not staring." I say.

"Look up just for a second." Mary says and of course I do, and too my surprise he is staring right at me. We make eye contact before he breaks it, due to the bell saying our order is ready that startles him. 

"See I told you, he loves you." Hermione says.

"Shut up he's coming." I say hushing them both. He slowly walks over trying to balance all of our food. "Here you go Hermione." He says placing her burger and milkshake down. "And for you Mary" he says placing her food down. "And for the prettiest lady of them all." He says placing down my order. It is a burger with fries, and a chocolate milkshake. I smile at his complement and immediately regret it, now the teasing is never going to stop.

"You forgot the-" I start

"Extra fries right! I'll be right back." He says running back to the kitchen.

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