Chapter 8 - Memories

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  "Shina, you can get the flowers and decorate the gravestone, and I can carve in his name and R.I.P." Takeshi looked at Ponna and Yuki. He was trying to decide what they can do to help with Hideshi's grave.

"Umm... You two can... Uhh... I don't know. What do you want to help with?" Takeshi asked.

Both Ponna and Yuki were confused and kinda angry at Takeshi.

"What do you mean?! I thought you already knew what we were gonna do!" Yuki yelled at Takeshi.

"I'm sorry, but I don't think there's anything you two can do." Takeshi turned and walked to Shina.

"What?!?! Takeshi!!!!!!!!" Yuki grabbed Takeshi's shoulder and crushed it real hard.


"Oh no! I'm sorry I didn't mean to crush your shoulder... Come on Ponna let's go find something we can do to help." Yuki left with an angry attitude.

"Oki!" Ponna skipped alongside Yuki.

"Well... You got her mad that's for sure." Shina was about to laugh.

"H-Hey! W-What's so funny?!" Takeshi was struggling to move his left shoulder.

Shina walked up to him and patted him on the bruised shoulder.

"Come on. Stop being such a baby. Hahaha!" Shina couldn't stop herself from laughing really hard.

"Stop laughing!" Takeshi walked away.

"(Sigh) Takeshi... We used to have some good times when we were younger..." Shina started to remember her memories with Takeshi.

                   (4 Years Ago...)

"Hey Takeshi. Do you know what makes sour candies so sour?" Shina asked.

Takeshi raised an eyebrow at Shina. "You really don't know? Well it's some weird thing called malic acid." Takeshi said.

"Oh, and all this time I thought it was sugar." Shina started to laugh.

All of a sudden Takeshi had the nerve to laugh with her.

"What are you two love birds laughing about?" Yuki came walking towards Shina and Takeshi.

"Yuki! I keep telling you! Me and Takeshi are not love birds!" Shina yelled.

Yuki turned around chuckling. " No matter how many times you say it... I will still try to convince you that Takeshi is the one for you." Shina looked at Takeshi.


"Excuse me? Did I just hear a what come out of you?" Yuki eyed Takeshi.

"Uhh no..." Takeshi felt nervous.

"I better not!" Yuki was serious.

After that everyone heard running footsteps and yelling. "Taaaaakeeeeshiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!" Ponna came running at Takeshi only to jump right on him and give him a big hug.

"Lil' Taki!"

"Ponna! You surprised me." Takeshi carried Ponna and put her on the ground standing.

"Takeshi!! Time to come home! Me and Hideshi are going make cupcakes!" Someone yelled.

It turns out that the person was Takeshi's mother. "Mommy!" Takeshi ran to give her a hug.

"Sorry girls, but I have to go home now. But don't worry tomorrow we can all play at this park again okay!" Takeshi walked off holding his moms hand with a big smile.

"Aww..... Why do I always come when Takeshi is about to leave..." Ponna was sad.

"Never mind that... What did she say?" Yuki asked.

Ponna finally remembered what she was supposed to tell them. "She... Still wants us to do it..." Ponna said with a sad face.

"Why... I don't feel like we should keep doing this, but..." Shina got angry.

Then Yuki had an idea. "What if we fight back!" Yuki said. In a flash Shina and Ponna looked at her crazy.

"What?! Three 12 year old girls against her?! There is no chance of winning!" Shina said. Ponna thought the same thing.

Yuki shed a tear from her eye. "All of this... And he still..." Yuki walked away.

"Where are you going?" Ponna asked.

"To her... I need to talk to her." Yuki ran into the shadows.

Ponna followed her, but Shina walked the way Takeshi went.

"Hey mom, where should we take Takeshi next?" Hideshi felt very excited. He love Takeshi so much.

"Let's take him to dinner!" Mom said.

Takeshi got really excited and happy.

Hideshi, Takeshi, and their mom left the house. They were walking on the sidewalk. "We are almost there! Who's ready to eat!" Mom yelled with extreme passion.

Both Hideshi and Takeshi yelled "Me!!!"

But it turns out... That the happiness didn't stay for that long. A guy ran up to them holding a metal baseball bat, he was asking their mom for all her money.

"... Hideshi... Take Takeshi... And run..." Mom said.

Hideshi was refusing. He didn't want to run and abandon his mom. "No! I won't leave you! Takeshi and I need you!" Hideshi yelled. He started to cry and Takeshi started to get frightened.

"Give me all your money or else!" The man yelled.

Mom turned around and smiled to Takeshi. She quietly whispered "Go..." to both of them. Then turned to the man. "Yell all you want... But you're not gonna hurt my family!" Instead of the mom running away with her children, she ran and fought with the man. She tried to grab the bat, but the man was too strong. The guy smashed the bat on the mom's leg and it caused her to scream and fall in pain.

"RUN!!!" The mom yelled as loud as she can to Hideshi.

"Shut up!!!" The guy repeatedly started to smash the moms head and body over and over again.

When people saw what was happening no one bothered to 911. They were either scared and ran away from the scene, or pretended that they didn't see it happening. They were just walking by the scene without care.

"M-Mommy!!!!!!" Takeshi tried to run and go to her, but Hideshi grabbed him and ran.

"No! No! MOM!!!!!!!!!!!!"


"Boo!" Takeshi scared Shina.

"T-Takeshi!" Shina was wiping tears away.

"Huh? Why are you crying?" Takeshi felt concerned.

"Oh it was just... My eyes getting watery. Sorry, don't worry about it." Shina said.

Takeshi still felt worried about Shina, but focused at the task ahead. "Come on, let's go make the grave for Hideshi!" Takeshi smiled at Shina.

"...Okay!" Shina blushed and smiled back.

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