Chapter 13 - Fear

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Everyone left outside the mansion and Yuki started to lead the way to Seki's base.

After a while they all reached the entrance. "This is it..." Yuki said standing in front of the gate.

"Then what are we waiting for! Let's go!!!" Tsubaki yelled. She walked to the gate and started to bang on it.

"Whoa! Tsubaki calm down!" Fuko ran and pulled Tsubaki from the gate.

Eva and Kiyoshi were so shocked and surprised. They have seen Tsubaki and Fuko argue a lot, but they never seen Fuko act the calm one and Tsubaki act the furious one.

"I can't! If something is going to happen to Takeshi! I have to save him!" Tsubaki pushed Fuko on the ground.

"...Tsubaki..." Fuko stared at Tsubaki for a while and Tsubaki stated back.

(.................Awkward Silence..................)

"Fuko......... I'm so sorry!!!!!" Tsubaki went to Fuko and started hugging her and crying.

"Okaaaay... That's weird." Yuki said.

"Aww that's so sweet! I wanna hug too!" Ponna jumped towards Tsubaki and Fuko and started hugging both of them.

"Girls, Please focus. We have to save Takeshi remember?" Kiyoshi reminded them.

"Oh yeah, sorry." Tsubaki said. The three of them stopped hugging.

Then out of no where a man rose up from the ground behind Ponna with a sword.

"Ponna! Behind you!!!" Kiyoshi summoned Virgo and it trapped the man in an earth sphere. Ponna got scared and ran to Yuki for help.

"An attack?!" Eva looked around.

"No worries Ms. Scarlet, I trapped him Virgo trapped him in an unbreakable sphere of rock." Kiyoshi was proud of what he did, but then the same man rose up from the ground and tried to kill Kiyoshi.

"I knew it! Capricorn!" Eva summoned a brown portal and a centaur figure ran out of it with a bow and arrow. It shut an arrow and it pierced the man in the arm.

"You got me." The guy slid on the ground.

"It's you!" Eva remembered. That guy was the guy that wanted Takeshi to try and kill him that day at the Scarlet mansion, in the kitchen.

"Oh, so you remember me? That's nice." The man chuckled. He then introduced himself. His name is Willem.

"Everyone, leave him to me. Capricorn! Shoot an arrow to break the locked gate!" Eva commanded. Capricorn aimed at the gate and shot an arrow at it. When the arrow struck the gate it exploded.

"Thanks Ms. Scarlet, and be careful!" Kiyoshi, Tsubaki, Fuko, Ponna, and Yuki all ran into the base.

"Now, it's just you and me. Willem." Eva said.

"That's what you think." Willem quickly turned around and dove into the ground. He was after the others that just ran in the base.

"You're after them?!" Eva commanded Capricorn to shoot into the hole that Willem dug into. "That should get him..."

An explosion in the ground was heard and Willem got blasted out of it.
"Grr! You are so annoying!" Willem yelled. He fell on the ground.

"And don't forget... I'm also better than you." Eva pointed at Willem and Capricorn shot and arrow at him which caused him to explode, but no blood was shown anywhere.

"Hmm... So he was an experiment... No wonder he couldn't use his zodiac." Eva continued moving forward into the base, but she was farther from the others.

(E for Eva, T for Tsubaki, F for Fuko, K for Kiyoshi, P for Ponna, and Y for Yuki. Also S for Seki.)

-How far everyone is from each other-


"Come on we are almost there!" Yuki said. Everyone kept running.

"Wait, aren't there traps here?" Ponna said.

Everyone looked at Ponna. Then Fuko fell into one of the traps.

"Fuko!!!" Tsubaki ram to the trap, but it was closed. "No! I can't lose Fuko!" Tsubaki fell on her knees.

"I understand that, but don't forget Takeshi is who we are trying to save! Fuko is probably at the entrance where Eva is." Yuki explained.

"But that can't be right... When I was working here before I was told by Seki that in these hallways they lead to daemons." Ponna said.

"D-Daemons... No... I won't let her die!" Tsubaki summoned Gemini.
"Gemini can you break this part of the ground please." Tsubaki asked. The yellow lady figure kicked the ground, but it wasn't strong enough. "I'm not strong enough without Fuko..." Tsubaki started to cry.

"Wonderful, now I know to definitely kill that girl." Seki's voice appeared from a speaker.

"Oh no! We forgot to remove the cameras!" Yuki pulled out a tiny little computer chip that had a tiny little lens on it from her eye, and Ponna did the same.

"What are those?" Tsubaki asked.

"...They are cameras that Seki gave for us to put in our eyes, so she can see what we see... And hear what we hear." Yuki explained.

"Wait... You were spying?!" Tsubaki jumped right off her knees and stepped away from Yuki and Ponna.

"Yeah, but we aren't like that anymore! You can trust us-"

"Stop! Don't try to fool me! I know spies and they don't just change who's side they're on!" Tsubaki commanded Gemini to attack Yuki and Ponna.

"I don't want to fight!" Yuki dodged a kick from Gemini.

"Yuki what do we do?!" Ponna asked. She also dodged a kick from Gemini.

"Let's just run-" a rope hanged down from the ceiling and it got wrapped around Yuki's neck.

"Y-Yuki?!" Ponna ran to Yuki and tried to pull the rope off, but then the rope raised up and Yuki started to choke.

"Oh my god!" Tsubaki was covering her mouth in horror.

"Yuki!" Ponna couldn't do anything, and neither could Kiyoshi. Their zodiacs are for defense.

"That's what you get for betraying me also... A slow death, unlike Shina's." right when Seki said that Ponna was shocked to hear that Shina died.

"Shina... Died..." Ponna fell on her knees emotionless.

"How do we save her!!!" Kiyoshi yelled. No one could save Yuki from getting hanged, so they just watched in horror.

Yuki was making choking noises trying to remove the rope herself, but it was too tight. Her legs from flailing in all different directions. Until her arms and legs stopped moving, and her body was still. Just swaying left and right.

Kiyoshi and Tsubaki looked at the ceiling to see if there were any ropes, but there weren't.

"We need to go! Ponna come on!" Kiyoshi yelled, but Ponna wouldn't budge.

"Why did that have to happen to her..." Tsubaki was frozen in fear.


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