Chapter 6 - A Goodbye

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Hideshi and Takeshi walked towards the conversation that Eva was having with the scientist. "If you find anything, please let me know..." It seemed as if Eva and the scientist had already discussed what they were going to do.

"Oh, you two... Don't worry about my guest... Just look around and relax, but do not break anything..." Eva gave a serious look to the boys.

Hideshi and Takeshi both gulped and nodded. After that they both walked away.

Hideshi looked at Takeshi. "So what do you want to do first."

Takeshi looked up at Hideshi puzzled. "Umm... Why do you sound like you know this place?"

"I... Don't... I've never been here before. This is my first time..." Hideshi acted pretty suspicious. He tried to forget about what Takeshi said and changed the subject.

"Let's just go find new people to meet." Hideshi grabbed Takeshi's arm and ran through the hallway.

"Where are we running off to?!" Takeshi struggled to keep up with Hideshi's speed, so he stumbled a bit.

They both kept turning corners and running, but Hideshi really didn't know where he was headed for. Until he crashed into someone who was carrying books.

Everyone fell to the ground, and the books went flying everywhere.

A boy that Takeshi and Hideshi never seen before grabbed his glasses and put them back on.

Hideshi apologized for bumping into him, yet it seemed as if the boy was fine with it.

"It's okay... I wasn't paying attention to where I was going... I'm so clumsy..." The boy started picking up all the books that dropped.

"Let me help you." Takeshi started helping the guy with the books. After all the books were picked up the boy smiled.

"Thanks. My name is Kiyoshi Furukawa. Nice to meet you." Kiyoshi sounded very friendly.

"It's nice to meet you to! My name is Takeshi and this is my big annoying brother Hideshi." Takeshi introduced Hideshi and himself to Kiyoshi.

"Well I gotta get going-" For some reason Kiyoshi stopped. He was staring at something. Hideshi and Takeshi wondered what he was looking at, so they turned around. They both saw two Zif Lab scientist appear from the corner of the hallway.

"Oh, it's one of the scientist. Hey!" Takeshi started waving at the scientist. For a while the two scientist started turning their heads and looking around. They were checking to see if anybody else was around, and it seemed that there wasn't. They both pulled out a taser rod and slowly stepped towards Takeshi and the others.

"Oh no, We have to get out of here!" Kiyoshi dropped the books and stepped back.

Takeshi was really confused. "What?! I thought they were on our side?"

"Do you know anything about the Zif Lab Corporation?" Kiyoshi asked.

"Well I-"

"They're getting to close come on!" Hideshi grabbed Takeshi's arm and ran off.

"Grr... Again..." Takeshi was getting annoyed with Hideshi grabbing his arm.

"Wait! Don't leave me!" Kiyoshi followed behind Hideshi and Takeshi.

"Hey come back here!" The two scientist chased Hideshi and the others. They kept turning corners really fast that it was hard for the scientist to catch up to them, but that didn't mean that the scientist would give up and lose them.

"In here!" Hideshi brought Takeshi and Kiyoshi into a library, then he closed and locked the door behind him quickly. The scientist were banging on the door.

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