Interdimensional cop

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Consciousness slowly came back to Megan, her senses were slowly being regained, first she started to feel the coldness of the room, and before she had even opened her eyes she realised she standing up right.

She opened her eyes slowly and the room seemed to spin as she attempted to pull her arms to her sides.

Still quite lightheaded, she glanced up to see her arms were restrained above her head to one of the pipes on the ceiling of the dimly lit room.

There was very little noise, she couldn't hear any distant thoughts, nor could she hear anyones, aside from her own.

After so long, hearing so much, the silence was already driving her mad, all she could hear was a very quiet breeze seeping under the door of the room.

Her throat was dry and she could tell her lips were cracked but still she attempted to yell, her voice came out strained but evidently someone heard her because a pair of heels came clicking down the hall almost immediately after she had screamed.

The steps stopped right outside of the door, all she could make out for a bit after that was a word or two of the muffled conversation going on outside the door, nothing more.

Drowsiness was starting to get to her again, with that her eyelids fluttered closed.

Almost as soon as she started to drift off to sleep again, the door opened, drowning the room in bright light, immediately jolting her awake again.

When her eyes adjusted again she realised it was Amanda Waller who had walked into the room, "Miss Carter, glad to see you're finally awake and coherent enough to speak to me, hopefully you'll be civil about it." She said.

Megan did not reply, "Okay, then at least listen to me," Amanda started, Megan just adverted her gaze to the ground her feet were only slightly touching the rough surface below her, "I know what you do, what you can do, and if you'll just agree to a few tests, we'll let you go back to seducing billionaires." Amanda bargained.

Of course Megan's powers weren't working, probably because of the headpieces everyone seemed to be wearing, but she knew a lie when she heard one, so she did what any reasonable person would do, "Bite me bitch." She laughed.

Oh, did I say what any reasonable person would do? Sorry, I lied.

Unfortunately for Amanda, she was a bit too close when Megan told her that, Megan was fully aware of her surroundings by this time so she knew what she was doing.

Megan brought her legs up and wrapped them around Amanda's waist forcing her closer, and with one quick motion, Megan headbutted her with all the force she could muster.

Amanda forced her way out of Megan's Venus thigh trap almost immediately, when Megan looked up she seen the blood gushing from Amanda's nose and she just smiled at the woman in front of her.

What Megan didn't realise was that her defiance would lead to being extremely tortured.


The events of the next two weeks included water boarding, vial after vial of blood being removed to be tested, eletro shocks, starvation, and extreme dehydration, nearly to the point of death, well, she was hoping for death anyway.

Two weeks after that were filled with noise deprivation, between the attempts to literally scare her into becoming an Argus agent.

Well, it was actually a bunch of tests, scanning her brain waves, heart rate, and other things of the such, when she was under stress or using her powers, of the things they forced into her room, she didn't use her powers to control any of them, because she knew that was exactly what they wanted her to do, and she wasn't about to give them what they wanted

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2018 ⏰

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