Chapter 2

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She followed behind the blonde boy, passing by tables and chairs that were scattered throughout the room, in one which sat two blonde girls who were giving her a deathly stare. She felt uncofortable and quickly turned her head to the opposite direction.

There she saw a brunette woman smoking a cigarette, staring straight at a wall. Next to her sat two other men, one had dark hair and brown eyes, and the other was blonde with light blue eyes.

As Violet passed them she felt both their eyes going up and down her body.

Who are these people? and why are they making her feel so uncofortable? she thought.

Back in school everyone looked at her oddly, she was even used to it. She could care less what people thought of her, yet alone how they looked at her. So why feel uncofortable now? was this place already turning her into the weak person she fears to become?

They both reached the far end corner of the room. Sitting on a red worn out couch, Violet saw two girls. They both gave her a warm smile. She timidly returned it. Violet looked back to the blonde boy, questioningly.

"Oh, sorry, I totally forgot, I'm Kyle...Kyle Spencer" he smiled, reaching out his hand. She shook it and couldn't help, but noticed how cute he was.

"Violet Harmon" She said.

"Violet, this is Zoe" he said pointing to the girl with long light brown hair. I smiled at her "my girlfriend" Kyle added, making Violet's smile slowly fade away from her face.

"Hi" Zoe said sweetly, waving a hand at her.

"and this is Grace" he gestured to the other girl with redish brown hair. "Hi" Grace said whilst smiling.

"and this is our little group, there's usually four of us, but Tate was sent to solitary and he won't be out until tomorrow" Kyle said with a frown on his face. He sat down besides Zoe. Zoe placed her head on Kyle's shoulder and said "Yeah, I hope he's alright." Kyle placed two fingers under Zoe's chin and brought it up so their lips touched. After a while he let go and said "thanks, babe."

"uh,uhm" Grace cleard her throat loudly, catching Violet's attention. "So, Violet what are you here for?" The lump from earlier started to form again in her throat. What would they think of her if she told them? Wait! Since when does she care what people think of her?! Boy, was this place already messing her up, and she hasn't even been here a day.

"uhm, I rather not talk about that right now" Violet said, wraping her arms around her small body.

"Violet, every single god damn person in this room has a big mouth, word spreads fast, and most of the time is some made up bullshit, so we want to hear it come out of your mouth!" Grace blurted out.

"Okay, okay, geez...b...but it's stupid, really"

"Violet, it's the fucking 60's, everyone gets locked up for the dumbest things!" Zoe said.

"You see those two girls over there" Klye pointed at the two blonde girls from earlier. "Madison and Shelly, they were brought here by Arden, apperantly being a whore is a major sin and they deserve to be locked up" he luaghed.

"Who's Arden?" Violet asked, but before any of them could answer her question, the doors bursted open and Sister Mary Eucnice was making her way towards her.

"Get up!"

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