Chapter 5: I Found It

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-Another time skip bc I'm a lazy bitch lol-

-3 months later-

"You look like shit." Rye says to me as I walk into the kitchen in my sweats. I laugh at his remark.

"You do too dipshit." I reply. He laughs in response but gets up to hug me. 

"How are you doing today sweetheart?" He asks.

"I'm good. Just have a headache. We drank way too much last night." I respond. Soon mom and dad walk into the kitchen with that same look on their faces they come in with when they see Rye and I hugging.

"Jesus will you just date already? Ya'll beating around the bush too much." Ares says walking in from the balcony.

"No, we are just friends." I reply looking up at Rye who has the softest gaze. His eyes are just so perfect, and the way he looks at me. 

"FrIeNdS mY aSs." Ares replies.

"Shut up." I laugh. Rye's face lowers towards mine and he gently captures my lips into his. This isn't the first time we have kissed, and I know it won't be the last. It's just the first time he's kissed me in front of my family. 

"What if I don't want to be just your friend anymore?" He asks pulling away from me.

"Then I will tell you to become something else." 

"Will you Athena Green be my girlfriend?" He asks. I have been waiting for this question for a bit now.

"Of course Rye." I say kissing him again. I know I said I was afraid to fall for another, but I learned that I will never know if it's worth it unless I take the risk. I may be hurt again at the end, and I may not be.

What I do know is that if Andy can be happy, so can I.

It's been six months since I last talked with him, but I saw him three days after I told Rye I was ready to start finding my peace. 


"Sis it's time to wake up. You have to go see Rye soon," I hear Ares say. I open my eyes to my brother laying on my couch comfortably. He had the night watch over me last night. 

"Alright." I say stretching. I crawl out of my bed and walk to my dresser deciding I won't need anything too nice. It's just the woods. I throw on a pair of skinny jeans, my combat boots, a tshirt I took from dad, (Brooklyn), and throw on a hoodie that I got from Mikey and Luna.

I throw my hair up into a loose ponytail, then make my way downstairs where my parents are in the kitchen making breakfast.

"How was night watch Ares?" Dad asks.

"It was fine. She just slept as usual." He replies eating a piece of bacon.

"How are you feeling today?" Their eyes advert to me. 

"I feel okayish. I'm meeting Rye today he's going to help me in the process of getting over this heartbreak, and I'll do anything to not feel this pain anymore." I respond. I eat some breakfast then take off on my walk to the river where Rye will be waiting for me.

That's when I see a very familiar blonde haired boy. He's dancing with a very pretty girl, and they are laughing, smiling, and singing. My heart drops.

Everything we used to do, he's doing with her. The way he used to look at me, he looks at her like that now. 

It hurt seeing him smile with another girl, but I guess that's what happens when you fall in love with a guy who had half of his life lived already. 

I knew at that very moment, how much I needed to get my closure, so I slap a smile on my face and strut towards where I am going. I can no longer allow Andy to have that control over me. I confidently walk past him, but it hurts me so bad on the inside. 

My heart is broken, and nothing can take it away.

-Flashback Over-

I thought that Andy would be the death of me, and yes I still hurt from time to time but I am happy now, and that's all I want.

Finding my peace was the best thing that has ever happened to me. Finding what I should have two years ago is the best feeling in the world. 

When Rye told me a few months ago, that if I lost all the memories of Andy, then the feelings were never real, but they were definitely more than real, but I can slowly look back and smile at the fun we had while it lasted. 

If I can smile at the memories instead of hurt, then that means moving on is coming 'round and it's about time that it did. Rye is my boyfriend now, and I'm happy for now. 

"It's about time. Jesus." I hear Mikey say. I laugh at his tone. 

"I know right." I say looking back up at Rye who has moved his hands from my back to my hips. He places his forehead on mine. His eyes close and the sweet hum comes from his mouth as he sways us. I close my eyes enjoying the beautiful tune coming from my mans lips.

"Did I miss something?" I hear Jacks voice. 

"Shhh. They're having a cute moment." My mom says. I ignore all the talking, and just focus on Rye's humming. 

"But yes. They are together." I hear Ares tell Jack. 

"FINALLY!" Jack yells. I stiffle a laugh while Rye just keeps swaying us both. 

"So how's that peace finding coming?" Rye asks. 

"I found it. In You." 

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