Chapter 18: Stood Up

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This is Colby. As in Colby James, if you guys know him then Kudos to you!

"Hey Athena could I ask you something?" Colby asks, as we walk behind the group, on the beach.

"Of course." I reply.

"Would you go out to dinner with me tonight?" He asks. 

"I'd like that." I say. He smiles excitedly. 

"Sweet. When we get back, we can go shower and get ready in our rooms, then I will meet you back in the lobby." He says.

"That sounds lovely." I say back. We walk along the beach talking about nonsense, and about our lives. I don't tell him everything, like the baby I am carrying but other than that he knows about the breakup, the heartbreaks, depression, etc.

"Well now that we have explained our whole life stories, shall we head back?" He asks. I nod at him. He steps up with the group letting them know what's up. When he does that we walk towards the street where the Uber will be picking us up and taking me back to the hotel. 

"I will be here at 8 to pick you up babes." Colby says as I get out of the Uber. 

"Great. See you then." I say walking inside the hotel. I rush to my room, so that I could have a warm shower. I have one hour to get ready so that's exactly what I do. After my shower I decide that I will wear something casual but cute.

I slip on a short long sleeve white dress with cream colored heels. I curl my hair, then apply a light layer of makeup. I grab my phone, and wallet. I look at the time. 7:45 pm

I decide that I want to sit in the lobby where it will somewhat be full of life. I reach the last step, walking towards the chairs by the fountain in the middle of the lobby complimenting it well. I chill until Colby arrives, in which he never does. 

It actually kind of hurts to be honest. All these guys think I am a fucking play toy or some shit. Not happening. My anger arises as I stand up walking towards my room, but I am stopped by a voice. 

"Athena?" I hear. I turn around to see the American boy that is friends with the other American boy I was supposed to go on a date with.

"Taylor." I say. 

"Why aren't you out with Colby?" He asks, I sigh. 

"He stood me up. I have been waiting here for almost 2 hours just for him to come pick me up. I got dressed and prettied up for nothing. I'm sorry Taylor I need to go. I'm angry right now." I say turning around.

"Pregnancy does that to you." He says. I turn back around to look at him.

"Excuse me?" 

"It's easy to tell. I saw your baby bump today, your mood swings, your nausea that you had today. Yeah, I know these things babe." He says.

"Yeah. I'm pregnant." 

"Well how about I take you out? You look absolutely stunning, and I think that you should put that model status on high tonight. I'll take you out to do whatever the hell you want." He says. 

"You want to take me out?" I ask. 

"Of course I do. You look way too good to just go to bed." He says looking at me with hopeful eyes. I sigh knowing that he's right.

"Only if being pregnant isn't an issue. Not really like a lot of people know." I say. He chuckles.

"I don't mind at all. You could've been huge and I would still take you out. You're pretty and you have alot that I would like to know about you." He replies. I smile at this, but take his outstretched hand.

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