Chapter 7: Jack Did What!?

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"Babyyyygiirrrrrlllll." Rye sings out to me.

"Yes daddy?" I reply. 

"Daddy's heading off to work for the day. I know I usually don't have people come over to keep an eye, but I need them to. Jack will be over in a few minutes. He almost here, and you best be good." He says in a stern tone.

"Yes daddy." He then kisses me, and takes off for work. A few moments later I hear the door open downstairs, and a voice call out my name.


"I'll be down in a moment." I respond. I quickly put on one of Rye's jumpers, my joggers, and a pair of slides. I slip on my hoodie, and make my way downstairs to see Jack. When I get downstairs, I see not just Jack, but Andy, Serenity (Jack's now ex-girlfriend from the first book) and Her. 

"Oh." I say not sure what I should say. 

"Go to your room for the day. Andy and I are going to be a little busy. I'll come get you when you can come out." Jack says sternly. 

"Fuck you Jack. This is MY fucking house. I am twenty years old, you cannot tell me what I can and cannot do." I reply leaving head space. 

"You best do as I say, Rye isn't here to protect your little bratty ass." He replies. Jack was my best friend out of these dingle-berries and these insults are just coming from nowhere. 

"I don't have to. Now get out of my house before I call the police." I say. He scoffs and walks towards me. A hand makes contact with my face, I am pushed up against the wall, a hand wrapping around my throat forcing me to look at him. 

"Listen here you little bitch, you will go upstairs and not come out until morning time, No food or anything. If you don't I swear to God your ass will be so fucking red, and bloody you won't be sitting for a month." He says, anger evident in his face. 

Becoming afraid for my life, and if I will be taking another breath or not I quickly obey after apologizing. I run to my room, and lock it. I run to my bedroom window, and slip out of it making my way to the ground. 

As soon as my feet hit the grass I sprint to the front and get into my car speeding off to Mikey's house. I go there because I know I will be safe. I run inside without knocking, I slam the door and lock it. 

"Mikey?" I whimper out. Mikey steps out from the guest bathroom in just a basketball shorts.

"What's wrong babe?" I hug him quickly, happy to see someone else. He wraps his arms around me relaxing

"You okay bug? Why are you crying sweetie?" He asks gently. I pull away and tell him everything. I show him my throat to see if there's marks. He claims there is so he takes a picture for proof.

"Don't tell Rye." I say. 

"You know that I have too bug." 

"But Rye will h-hurt Jack and Andy. I still l-love them, I don't want h-him to h-hurt them." I stutter out.

"I know, but I have to tell him." Mikey replies. I nod.

"I understand." He nods and pulls me in for another hug. 

"Just stay here until Rye gets home. I bet you that Jack and Andy didn't even realize you escaped. So when Rye gets there, and sees that you aren't there, and they lost you, he will come looking. Go lie down in my bed. I'll come in when Rye shows, cause you know he will." 

I nod. I walk towards the upstairs where Mikey's room is. I walk inside, seeing the bed, and I flop myself onto it as I melt into the mattress, feeling relief and safety. I cover myself up, then drift off to sleep.

-Rye's POV-

3 pm. Finally. I can go home to my girl after an extremely long day. I hope Jack took care of her, and made sure that she was fed, and everything. Sometimes she will have her occasional breakdowns over Andy, which I get so I don't mind, and she won't eat or drink anything. 

It worries me sometimes, but I believe in Jack. He's my best friend I trust him. 

I get into my car, then quickly rush home to Athena. When I arrive I expect to see my Princess waiting on the steps for me, in on of my jumpers and her panties, I see nothing, but I hear alot. 

I hear someone moaning Andy and Jack's names, making me quite curious. I walk towards the second living room, where Andy, Jack, Jack's ex Serenity, and Andy's new whore. I don't say anything, I just slip upstairs to find my girl. 

She's probably hiding away because of the ruckus downstairs. I slip into her playroom where she writes her books, paints, and plays when she's in head space. She isn't there, so I make my way to our bedroom in case she is napping. 

I step only to find nothing. My heart begins to thud, but I try not to panic because she might be showering or something, I know my baby is here somewhere. I check the bathroom but find nothing, I check by the pool, nothing. I then only realized just now, her car wasn't in the drive way. 

I walk into the second living room where the four idiots are no longer fucking each other thank God. Rage fills me a little though because they lost my little girl.

"Where is my girlfriend?" I ask. 

"Should be upstairs. She said something about not feeling good. I checked on her an hour ago she was sleeping." Jack says.

"Well she's not here. I looked everywhere. You had one job Jack, one fucking job. Take care of my girlfriend like you offered to do so, not fucking a bitch on MY couch in MY house. I suggest you get to calling people. I'm going over to check Brook and Michelle's. Call me when you hear from her." I say rushing out the door to my car. 

I drive over to her parents first, but their cars are gone. She wouldn't come to a place where she's alone usually, so I make my way to Mikey's. I knock on his door, and he stands there with a smile on his face, as if he has been expecting me all day.

"She's sleeping. Before you go see her, we need to have a word." He says closing the door behind us. We step into the kitchen where he makes us both some tea. 

"Everything alright mate?" I ask him.

"Jack hurt Athena today." He says. I choke on my drink. 

"He what?" Mikey then begins to explain the situation. I feel my blood boil. Jack touched my girlfriend!?!? 

At this point I decide to push Jack away from my thoughts. I'll deal with him later. Right now my priority was checking on Athena. So that's exactly what I do, I walk up the stairs, entering Mikey's room. There lies my girlfriend peacefully asleep. 

I smile, moving closer to her. I strip down to my boxers, deciding that I will join her for a bit. As I am looking at her I see the hand print Jack left on her neck, rage boiling more. I push it off again, knowing that right now I just wanted to hold my woman. 

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