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After being told how Phil had taken the wrong train, and that he had gotten in touch with old friends, I was left there laughing. It seemed like damn near everything he said was hilarious.

"And so then - oh you don't wanna hear it." He would say, a cheeky smile on his face.

"Oh, go on! I'm already too far in." I would always reply, leaning closely to hear him better.

He would then always say something like he had ran into a stranger and suddenly a flash kind interrupted or that two men were fighting over the same girl and they ended up together. It was such a fun time talking with Phil, I didn't realize it was almost two in the goddamn morning!

"Okay okay," I said in between laughs. "We need to sleep, seriously, we have classes in the morning." I pushed Phil, he fell off my bed onto the floor, smiling up at me.

"Dan, do you think Regan and I will marry?"

That question made my heart stop. Gah, why was I this way? I need to calm myself down, this is stupid.

"Uh... I'm not sure. You guys have been going steady for only some time. Don't you think it's a little early to be thinking about marriage?" My voice squeaked, I mentally slapped myself as I heard it. Clearing my throat, I shook my head. "Do you love this girl?"

Phil sat with his hands on his lap, legs crossed. A small smile on his face, his eyes closed.

"I'm not sure yet. I do like her, a lot. She likes me a lot, so maybe I'll love her - maybe not." His eyes quickly opened while we stared at each other. "Do you love someone right now, Dan?"

That made me think. I don't necessarily love anyone right now, I like someone. I like him. I like Philip Lester. I like Phil Lester. I like Phil. His name is Phil. My roommate of one month. We had only met a month ago and I feel like I can just latch myself onto him and be okay. I can see us sitting on a porch, twenty years or so down the line, in our rocking chairs, drinking some tea together as we listen to the rain pitter patter.

"Dan? Daniel? Dan!" Phil's voice brought me back into reality. "Do you love someone right now?" His voice sounded like silk.

I shrugged, laughing. "I'm not sure yet. I like this guy. He has these ocean like blue eyes, hair is dyed black, I'm a fan of it. He's kinda tall, although I've seen taller. He's a total dork may I add." I stopped, smiling to myself.

"Who is the lucky guy? Mister who?" Phil's voice said after a good minute or so.

"Oh, you wouldn't know him. I barely know him myself. Although, I feel like I've known him for years." I sighed, taking a deep breath in and shoving my face, which was now feeling as hot as the sun probably feels, into my nearby pillow.

"Gah, well, right, we have classes in the morning. Goodnight, Dan." Phil's soft voice made me turn to him as he shut off his lamp on his little desk, got into his bed and wrapped himself into his blanket, looking at me one last time before going to sleep.

Waking up? That wasn't fun at all. I didn't want to get up, oh I regret last night. Only because I'll be going to classes exhausted.

Entering my first class, I saw Regan crying, mascara running down her face. Feeling bad, and quite curious, I sat down next to her and asked her what happened.

She explained to me how Phil had broken up with her this morning, out of the blue. He didn't explain why, but she couldn't even come up with a reason as to how this could have happened. I was also confused, just last night he was asking me about if he should marry the girl!

"There there..." I whispered, rubbing her back. "It'll be okay..."

"You don't understand, Dan!" She shouted, causing a couple heads across the room to look at us. "This was so sudden - no signs of this happening at all. Usually people try to make it obvious when the feelings aren't there anymore, but he must have woken up and thought, 'Hey, it'd be a good day to break up with Regan'." She mocked, trying to clean the mascara off her cheeks.

I frowned, quickly ran up and got a tissue and gave it to her. She took it, not sure what it was for at first. She eventually got the idea and thanked me, getting rid of the smeared makeup.

"Dan... Did he tell you anything about breaking up with me? You being his roommate, and all." Her voice was small, and more collected.

"No," I started. "He actually mentioned the complete opposite last night, to be frank with you. He mentioned marriage - if he should marry you."

"What did you say?" She shuffled in her seat.

"I... Said I wasn't sure. It was so early in the relationship, I wasn't expecting something about marriage." I admitted, avoiding eye contact. "The conversation went from that to talking about this man I'm interested in."



"You're into Phil."

Baffled, I stood up and stepped a little bit backwards. I wasn't expecting that at all.

She smiled, a shy one. Her eyes still glistened with tears as she looked at me, staring at my surprised expression. "I didn't notice at first, but I saw the way you'd look at him whenever he told one of his stories or how you would lean close to him while laughing."

Eyes wide, mouth opened partially, I didn't know what to say. Was I making it too obvious? Oh shit, what if he knows and that's why he broke up with Regan? I wasn't a huge fan of the relationship, but they were good for each other, and I would feel horrible knowing I ruined that.

"I'm sure he doesn't know, he's not good at these things. Trust me, I've known him for almost all my life. We kinda grew up together, didn't expect us to go to the same college;dating." Suddenly, it was the end of class. We spent it all chatting. Maybe because nothing happened today, the teacher didn't show up and most of the students took a nap.

Regan stood up, pulling her bag onto her back. As she walked away, she turned her head in my direction and calmly said, "Don't worry, your secret is safe with me. Oh, and by the way, he loves cuddling and watching movies together."

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