Chapter 5: Hickeys

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Pic On The Side: Abel's Car

Olivia's POV

"I liked the movie, did you?" I ask Abel as we walk out of the mall and to his car.

"Yeah it was good." He says taking his keys out of his pocket.

We watched 22 Jump Street. Pretty funny and I liked it a lot more than the first one.

"Here you go babe." Abel says as he opens the car door for me.

"Thank you." I say as I slide into the car.

I fix my hair as he walks around the car and gets in.

"God you look beautiful Liv."

"Thank you Abel. You look pretty damn sexy too." I say as I put my hand onto his thigh.


"What?" I say jokingly.

"Come closer." He tells me and I obey. Now I'm looking directly into his eyes.

"How would you like it if I did this?" He says slipping his hand under my shirt, his warm hand across my cold back.

"Abel!" I shout.

"What?" He says smiling.

Time to see how far I can take this. I move my hand up his thigh to his zipper and start to unzip his jeans. He does the same to me, but instead of my shorts; he moves his hands up to my bra and he undoes it. I want him so badly right now, but I need to and want to wait. He needs to properly ask me out, before we do anything. I feel his hands start to move around to my now bare chest. Other than my shirt.

"You win!" I shout pulling away from him. His hands slip out of my shirt in the process and my bra falls out to. I quickly grab it.

"You won too." He says smirking, while looking down, than back at me.

Abel's POV

Why does she do this to me? I want her so bad right now. "No Abel! Ask her out properly!" I hear the little angel on my right shoulder say. "Doesn't mean you can't have fun in the mean time." The little devil on my left shoulder says to me.

"You won too." I smirk at her and look down at my know hard cock. I look back at her and she's blushing. I can't believe she's never done anything bad like this before. I can tell because earlier she was a little nervous when she first gave me a boner. Or at least I hope she's never done anything like this, that would make me kinda sad. I want to be her first for everything.

"Have you ever done something like this before?"

"The whole seduction thing or giving a guy a boner thing?"

"Both." I ask.

"I've never been with a guy like this before Abel. To tell you the truth I've never done anything bad. You know me I'm a goodie two shoes, I've never done anything sexual or naughty in my life." She says kinda sadly looking out the windshield.

"You don't want to be a goodie two shoes anymore do you?" I whisper in her ear.

"No, not really." She says quietly.

"Well what are you going to do about that, babe." I says kissing her lightly on the neck.

"Mmmmm Abel." She moans.

"Yes Liv." I say kissing her again.

"Mmmmm...I want to..." She starts, but then stops as I begin to suck on her neck.

"Mmmm...Abel. You said no sex."

"Doesn't mean that we can't have a little fun Liv." I say against her skin.

"Mmmm yes, but I want to wait until you ask me out properly."

"I also said that I'd surprise you." I say kissing her neck again.

"Where's my do you want to be my girlfriend or Liv will you go out with me." She asks.

"Liv..." I say just as I find her sweet spot and I begin sucking again.

"Abellll." She moans.

"Will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" I say stopping quickly then go back to sucking on her sweet spot.

"Yes!" She moans.

Olivia's POV

"Liv..." He says against me.

"Abellll." I find myself moaning.

"Will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" He says stopping quickly then going back to sucking on my sweet spot.

Oh fuck it! He's making me feel good. Forget what I said about asking me properly, this is good enough for me.

"Yes!" I moan.

He gently lies me down on the seat, moving his lips to connect with mine into a heated kiss. I move my arms around his neck pulling him closer to me. He licks my bottom lip, hoping for me to open. I deny him that and he groans slightly, he's probably annoyed with me. I begin to grind my hips upwards and he groans in satisfaction. He wants me and I want him. He pulls away from the kiss.

"Not here."

"Why not?" I ask slightly saddened.

"Because." He says sitting up.

"Because isn't an answer Abel." I say sitting up with him.

"Because I said so!" He raises his voice a little.


"I'm sorry Liv, I didn't mean to raise my voice. I just want to make sure that your first time is special. I know every guy says this, but I truly mean it."

"It's okay Abel, I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry, I like this new you. I hope you can be more like this when we're together."

"I like this new me too and I'll try to be more like this when I'm around you without our friends near us."

He smiles, I love his smiles. They make me unbelievably happy and I have to smile back.

"We better get going, you'll be late for curfew." He says starting the car.

"Uh yeah. My mom will kill me if I don't get back before twelve."

"I think she's going to kill you anyways." He says smiling at me while driving out of the malls parking lot.

"And why would you say that?" I question him.

"Because of these." He says touching my neck as he gets onto the through way.

"Abel!" I say looking at my hickeys in the cars tiny mirror.

"Sorry, I couldn't help myself."

"She is going to kill me." I say closing the cover to the mirror as I lean back into the seat.

"No she won't, just cover them up. Not when you're around me; alone, though." He says holding my hand.

"Yeah and why's that, hmmm?"

"I like seeing my masterpieces." He says.

"So do I." I say scooting over to him so I can give him one.

"Mmmmm Liv." He says as I suck on his sweet spot that I found earlier.

"Done!" I say smiling at my piece of artwork.

"Good job, impressive for your first time." He says looking at himself in the rearview mirror.

"Thank you." I say blushing.

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