late night breakfast

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"Cole, wake up." Lili whispered, shaking her sleeping boyfriend awake.

"Lil," he groaned, rolling over to check the clock, "It's one in the morning."

"I'm hungry." she mumbled, sitting up and crossing her arms across her chest.

"Fine." he groaned, reaching above his head to turn the lamp on.

Five minutes later, they were out the door and on their way to the nearest breakfast chain, where they knew not a single soul would be at this hour.

As they sat in their booth, Lili carefully studied the menu, amusing Cole to the highest degree.

"What can I get you?" an exhaustion filled waitress asked, pulling out her notepad.

"I'll have a coffee with a plate of pancakes and eggs." Lili happily exclaimed, handing her menu off to the frazzled waitress.

"I'll have the same." Cole immediately said, winking at his girlfriend sitting across from him.

As the waitress walked away, Cole pulled out his camera and began snapping pictures of Lili.

"Cole, no!" she laughed, "I look terrible."

"I personally think you look beautiful." he responded, putting his camera back in the bag. He knew he'd gotten all he needed.

"You know," he continued, taking a sip of his coffee, "I love us."

Lili laughed, twirling her hair and looking at Cole with a quizzical expression.

"I'm serious," he said, laughing at how confused his girlfriend was, "What kind of couple wakes up in the middle of the night to go get breakfast?"

"I love us too." she said softly, suddenly feeling overcome with love and taking hold of his hand.

Their faces inched closer together, though they were trying not to make a scene by stretching themselves over the table.

"Here's your food," the waitress said, mindlessly placing four massive plates of food in between them, "We'd appreciate it if you'd stop PDAing across our tables."

The two pulled apart, laughing hysterically at the judgement they were getting from the restaurant staff at one in the morning. But they didn't care. Not one bit. They were together, making the best of each other's company. Because that's what they did. That's how in love they were.

 That's how in love they were

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