jealousy II

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"You look stunning." Cole smiled, wrapping his arm around his girlfriend's waist.

Lili went with a simple look for the party, yet looked so perfectly elegant that Cole's breath was taken away. Her little black dress was the exact shade of her black stilettos. Her hair was worn in natural waves, her makeup included a red lip, and she tied the look together with dangling earrings. Cole was quickly reminded that she was the most beautiful girl on the earth.

"Thank you, my love." she responded, kissing him and examining how stunning he looked.

He wore a light blue button down, black pants, and a matching blazer that fit him perfectly. That piece of curly, dark here fell in front of his face. That damn piece of hair.

"You ready?" Lili asked, knowing Cole would realize exactly what she was referring to.

"She's not even going to there, Lil." he promised, grabbing the car keys from their counter.

The two would be attending a party to celebrate the birthday of someone Cole had attended college with; the person who had introduced Bree and Cole. Cole had dated Bree Morgan at NYU. Lili knew she was toxic, but she upset Cole so much that they rarely spoke of her. Now here they were, likely to come face to face.

"Whatever." Lili mumbled, marching to the car.

Two hours later, Lili and Cole stood dancing in the center of the room, not a care in the world.

"I'm going to go refill our drinks, babe," Cole yelled over the blaring music, "Meet me in our booth."

They parted ways and Lili watched in awe as her boyfriend walked away, then made her way to a booth. When he hadn't returned to the booth ten minutes later, Lili began to worry. What if he'd gotten hurt? What if he had gone looking for her? But that question lingered, the one she refused to ask herself...what if he had found Bree? With this thought implanted in her mind, she began a hunt for her boyfriend.

"Have you seen Cole?" she asked Cami, frantically searching.

"Last I saw him he was talking to some girl." Cami yelled over the music, smiling at her best friend.

"What'd she look like?" Lili asked, trying her hardest to conceal her fear.

"Brown hair. Freckles. Really pretty," Cami said, "Everything okay?"

"Fine." Lili quickly mumbled before running off.

She wished she never had. She wished she'd never had to hear her words, or see her body against Cole's.

"We were made for each other, beautiful." Bree slurred, putting her arms around Cole's neck.

"Bree, stop," Cole protested, moving her arms, "You're drunk."

"I've never stopped loving you," she said, inching closer to his face, "And I know you don't love that Lili girl."

Lili wanted to spring into action, but she was paralyzed. She begged herself to interfere, try to save her relationship, but her body refused to move.

"I do love-." Cole started, but was cut off by Bree's lips meeting his.

Lili never got to see him pull away because of how quickly she moved.

"Oh you fucking wish, bitch." Lili yelled, standing in between her boyfriend and his ex.

"And to think you gave it all up for this." Bree laughed, stumbling away.

Lili ran in the opposite direction before Cole had a chance to stop her. He found her in the parking lot, tears in her eyes and shivering. Before saying a word, he took his blazer off and wrapped it around Lili's shoulders.

"Are you ready to talk?" Cole asked, sitting down beside her.

"Can we please just go home?" she whispered, refusing to meet his eyes.

"Of course, baby." he answered, he would do anything to make her happy.

When they got home, Cole let Lili have her space. He knew how she was when she got upset, and they hadn't been in a situation this serious in a long time.

"Are you okay?" Cole asked as he walked into their room where Lili laid reading a book. 

"Would you care if I told you I'm not?" she mumbled, putting the novel down.

"I would care so much, I'd do anything to make it better," Cole promised, sitting down beside her, "And that's why I really want to talk about this, Lil."

"Do you know what it's like for me, Cole?"

"You're Cole Sprouse. You're one of the most beautiful, talented, famous people of this generation. We can't go anywhere without every person dotting over you, and I'm just Cole's girl. How do you think that makes me feel?" she said, her eyes filling with tears.

"Lili, you're so much more than that." Cole answered, placing a hand on her thigh.

"And everyone loves you so much. But no one on this Earth loves you as much as I do, because I know that you are my soulmate," she said softly, continuing to cry, "She's never going to get over you, Cole."

"I don't care because I'm never going to get over you," he promised, "I don't care who comes along. You are the only one for me. I know that, and you know that."

Lili smiled softly, leaning her head on Cole's shoulder.

"Did you feel anything when you kissed her?" Lili asked quietly, tracing invisible circles on his hand.

"Nothing but how wrong it felt, and how much I wished it were you." he said, kissing the top of her forehead.

"I love you, Cole."

"I love you so much more, Lili Reinhart."

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