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This is the final chapter of Slave I hope you enjoyed. I am going to start uploading Lost Boys once a month and that will have ten chapters. After that there will be another ten-chapter story called Puppy Love.



Danny p.o.v

"How's Danny been doing since he woke up?" I hear my father ask either Jorel or Dylan, I wasn't sure who. Since his visit about a week ago he has been busy trying to capture Aron since it was proving more difficult than first thought. "He's been okay, we have been battling a bit of infection on the deep cuts in his back and that's hit him hard. He is doing a lot better, he is awake quite a bit of the day, but he does need a few naps," Jorel explains. I rolled over, so I wasn't on my back anymore and I think Jorel noticed. My back was quite sore, and the infection wasn't quite gone yet. "I see, might keep him on bed rest for a little longer. We can have my best torture Aron until he begs for death anyway. More fun that way," I hear our dad say.

Dad would want him to feel the pain of what he did to me, so would the others if they were given half the chance. "That would be quite good to be honest dad. I think Danny does need a little bit longer to recover and it would be amazing to have Aron feel the pain that he has put Danny through," Jorel says, then I felt a weight on the edge of the bed closest to me. I felt a hand in my hair and I couldn't stop the smile. "Morning my Danny bear," my dad says, and I open my eyes to look at him. He looked really tired, but he has been working endlessly to try and find Aron, so I wasn't really that surprised that he was tired at this point. "Morning Dad," I say, and he smiles at me. Jorel was at the door, smiling but then he said he was going to get me some breakfast, so he left a minute later.

"Jay says you haven't been feeling well?" dad asks me, I know I heard the conversation he had with Jorel a few minutes ago but he thought that I was asleep at the time. "Yeah, my back went all bad. It hurts a lot still," I tell him, and he puts his hand on my forehead. I was still lying on my stomach, but I Iifted my head up so that he could check my temperature. "I know buddy, I am going to look after you today. You still have a bit of a fever," he tells me, and then rubs my cheek with his finger. I love having a father figure around. It is so nice to have his support and someone I can call up when I need him. I slowly sit up with his help because my back was still sore while it heals. I just wanted to hug my dad.

I carefully hugged him, and he hugged me back. "I'm sorry if I worried you dad," I tell him, just as Jorel comes back with breakfast and pain medication for me. "Don't be sorry Danny. A father has many jobs when it comes to raising their children and one of them is to worry when their child isn't well or have been hurt. I know you are going to be fine, but I really wanted to be with you and Jorel and I couldn't while we were searching for Aron," he tells me, and I smile at him. Jorel gave me my breakfast after a hug and I looked up at him with the tray on my lap. "Thanks Jorel," I tell him and he smiles at me. "You're welcome little brother," he tells me. He sits on the other side of me while I eat my breakfast.

"George is going to come and clean your back up again Dan, just so that we make sure with the antibiotics you're on and the cleaning wipes out the infection quickly," he tells me. We've been on a semi-strict routine where George would come and clean my wounds once or twice a day depending on how I have been feeling and whether or not it needs cleaning. For the last sort of 5 days I have been on some pretty powerful antibiotics which have left me feeling wiped out as a result. Dylan has gone food shopping with Jordon since Jorel will not let us go out on our own while Aron is still at large. Jorel takes the dishes away to be cleaned while I get some cuddle time with our dad before the dressings get changed.

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