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This is also an AU where I have made the guys the following ages in 2010

J3T: 35

J-dog: 34

Charlie scene: 32

Funny Man: 32

Aron: 36

Danny 24


George p.o.v

"Are you sure this is the right place?" Jorel asks me as we slip our masks down to cover our faces. Someone betrayed us in a big way and now it's time to get our revenge and collect some items which could be sold on to cover the losses that we have suffered due to the betrayal. "Yeah, I'm sure this is the one. It's where I kept picking the bastard up from every day," I tell Jorel as I slung my backpack onto my back. It had all the supplies we need and some extras just in case there is something there that we aren't expecting to be in the house. I know very little about his house and what lies within it but we are hoping to at least score something while we are here. I doubt this will be a wasted mission. "Fine, let's do this our usual way then," Jorel says and we make our way to the back of the house.

Robberies happen so often here that the neighbours here stop paying attention as several houses on this block are regular targets for thieves like us who constantly get away with it. Jorel skilfully picks the lock as I stand on look out just in case there is someone out here about to call 911 on us. No one does and we are in the kitchen/dining room straight away where some of the stolen goods are lying on the table. "Right, let's quietly start here because I don't know if that kid he kept making me promise not to hurt is here," I whisper to Jorel as it is 3 in the morning so if that kid is here, hopefully he is sleeping. Our van is right at the back-yard gate so we can take some of the larger items straight away without taking up too much time.

We are getting a lot of the items that were stolen back so we can sell them to the rightful owners to cover the losses because that is how our gang must work for now until we get back on our feet. Now we need to quietly walk through the house to find some other items. Then Jorel who is walking ahead of me stops. I stop before I walk into him and I look at him. "Can you hear that? Someone is here and I think they are awake," Jorel says and I listen for a few minutes and I could hear a television playing in the living room but it was kinda of quiet so I could just about hear it. "I have chloroform just in case," I whisper back and we go and investigate what could be in the living room.

I think we have hit the jackpot. There lying on the couch out for the count was who I hoped to be this Danny kid. He didn't look anything like I was expecting but then again, I was expecting Aron to have an 8-year-old by the way that he talked about him. This kid did look innocent for what Aron has done around him. "This is the jackpot, if we take the kid then it would really hit Aron where it hurts," I tell Jorel keeping my voice down as to not wake the sleeping kid up just in case he would raise the alarm. "Right well, let's check the upstairs out first and make Danny the last thing we grab," Jorel says and I agree with him. It would be very suspicious if we just carried him out of the house and left him in the van while we grab more items we know Aron has that he shouldn't. We haven't woken the kid up so far which is good.

"Right, you know the drill. We might need him awake for this bit though," I tell Jorel once we were finished looting the upstairs. I have never used Chloroform on anyone who was already asleep but Jorel is a master in this so he will make sure the kid is under and I will carry him out of the house. "It's gonna take five minutes to knock him out but he would probably wake up as soon as he feels his mouth and nose are covered because it will be instinct to fight for survival because the body thinks it's being suffocated," Jorel says as he prepares the right dosage for the kid lying in front of us. "Yeah, fair enough. Want me to swipe anything else while you do that?" I ask him, because a quick glance around the room showed promise for the last couple of stolen items we haven't found so far.

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