Chapter One

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It'd been six long years since Sang had been home. Six years since her heart was shattered into hundreds of tiny, irreparable pieces.

The never-ending pastures filled with stacked hay loomed in the distance as she cruised down the road, a straight path toward the little ranch house her heart recognized as home.

She didn't want to go back, she planned on never stepping foot in this godforsaken town again, but Pa was sick, so sick that he was dying. Her pride roared its ugly head as soon as she heard she was needed back home, but she shooed it away because nothing was more important than taking care of Pa. Not even he could ruin this for her.

Driving through the tiny town made Sang's chest constrict. If she looked closely enough at the people that strolled the sidewalks, she would be able to make out the familiar faces of those that made up the tiny community of Wayward.

She gripped the wheel harder.

Six damn years and not a single thing had changed. Willie's, the little diner she used to work at, still sat at the edge of town, along with the post office and feed store. A small park nearby was filled with benches and swings, facing a shimmering lake that she used to love spending her summers swimming in. It was the place she first fell in love and the same place she received her first heartbreak.

Turning away, she focused back on the road. The Sorenson Ranch was about eight miles outside of town, surrounded by nothing but pastures and dirt roads. She gunned it on the gas pedal and smiled her first real smile in what felt like ages. This was her domain. Gravelled, windy roads, and sweet summer air.

Sang opened up the sunroof to let the breeze in, careless to the fact that it would tangle her blonde hair into a cringful mess. She turned the radio dial to a local station that played nothing but country and cranked the music up as loud as her ears could stand. The shiny black SUV she bought brand new off of the lot last year could probably go without the gravel kicking up from the tires, but she couldn't bring herself to care.

Pa was sick so that meant there was plenty of other things to worry her head off about.

Turning at a bend in the road, Sang barely registered the old rusted pick-up truck heading straight for her before she slammed on the breaks. She closed her eyes tightly and gripped the wheel as hard as she could. After a few seconds had passed with no impact, she squinted one eye open and released a shaky breath. The bumper of the truck was inches from the front of hers.

Sang's shoulders started shaking as she pried finger after finger off of the steering wheel. The nerves rattling her teeth immediately seized as she watched the driver and passenger side doors open in the truck. Anger consumed her but she pushed it down to a gentle simmer. Two fellas stepped out of the vehicle, one with long blonde hair that framed his face, while the other had brown hair with one blonde streak off to the side. Due to what was most likely hard work on a farm, both were in physically good shape like most of the men out here. What caught her eyes was how handsome they were.

Stuck in a trance, Sang hadn't noticed they reached her car until she heard a gentle tap on her window. Licking her lips nervously and turning down the music, she hit a button on the door and both watched and listened as it rolled all the way down in slow motion.

The blonde one tucked some of his hair behind an ear and smiled sheepishly. "We're terribly sorry about that, Miss. Gabriel probably didn't mean to hug the corner so much, he got distracted by the sunset."

She blinked. It was that late already? And that was his excuse? The sunset? Breathing deeply, she forced a polite smile on her face. "It's not a problem. Just pay better attention to the road next time."

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