Chapter Six

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Owen Blackbourne didn't know what to think. Both Kota and Nathan just left his office after regaling their stories about meeting Sang Sorenson—the girl that left his brother's heart in pieces years ago. He wasn't sure what to think about the subtle smiles they both wore, either.  Tidying up his desk, Owen felt insufficient. The well being of his brothers would always be his responsibility, whether it be physical or mental, and he didn't like where this was headed. How would North react to having the Sorenson girl back? 

From where he sat on a plush armchair, Sean cleared his throat, his feet raised up and resting on the center table. One of Owen's eyebrows twitched in annoyance. "Get that look off of your face, Owen. North doesn't need any of us meddling in his business, he can handle this." 

"It's not meddling." A sigh left his lips as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "North is stressed enough as it is after we pushed ourselves into his life, does he really need this sitting on his shoulders as well?"

Shaking his head, Sean cracked a grin. "If she's as wonderful as the boys claim her to be, maybe this is exactly what he needs."

Owen doubted that because North was still a heartbroken man. That girl coming back could make things infinitely worse, and despite their history, North didn't need his intoxicating past biting at his heels, especially with the investigation going on against his business. "She left him, Sean. If she had the power to turn him into the beaten man he is today, what will round two do to him?"

"I think there's a lot more to the story than we know, and before you jump to conclusions and take things into your own hands, let him figure it out himself. It's really none of our business." Sean's feet dropped from the table so he could sit with his elbows resting on his knees while he sent him a stern look. "How about this—come with me today to check on Richie. He's due for another appointment anyways, and maybe meeting her will give you some sense of peace."

Owen thought hard about it and decided that Sean was right, maybe meeting the girl would help him get rid of the wrongness in his gut. He was curious to see what type of woman was able to bring North to his knees because he was the strongest and most resilient out of all of them. He sighed through his nose and accepted his brother's offer, much to the ridiculous man's delight. 

Later that afternoon, Owen was striding up the steps to Richie's farm house. He waited patiently as Sean knocked on the door twice, one of his hands carrying a bag full of medical supplies while the other hand fell to fidget inside his pant pocket. The door slowly creaked open until a woman revealed herself. Dressed in modest jean shorts and a flowy blouse, completed with a pair of worn and dusty boots, the woman gave us both a wary smile. "Can I help you?" She asked hesitantly.

It took Sean a moment to answer her question because he was busy gawking at her from his spot on the porch. Owen lightly elbowed his side, and the doctor shook his head and answered with a beaming smile in her direction, "That you can. My name is Dr. Sean Green, and this is my friend Owen Blackbourne. I'm here for my weekly check-up with Richie. May we come inside?" Sang's wary expression melted away as she rushed to open the door further. Her blonde locks of hair shifted with the movement, Owen's eyes following. 

"Of course. He's in the living room drinking his coffee. Please, come in." Owen couldn't seem to take his eyes off of her. Her green eyes sparkled with kindness, not the wickedness that he was expecting. Even her voice was different, instead of harsh and grating, it was a soothing melody that Owen found entrancing. How long did he make her out to be some awful villain in his head?

Sean gave her a wink and followed her in. She strolled to the kitchen and asked over her shoulder, "Can I get you two a cup of coffee? If you're like most of the folks out here then I suppose you drink it all hours of the day, too." 

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