The Scarlet Spider

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I sit on a roof overlooking the chaotic streets of New York. It's been a good 3 years since Spider-Man disappeared. And I've had to fill in for him. I've been Spider-Man for a year now. Granted I'm not as strong as the one before me, but someone's gotta fill in his shoes. I've went ahead and built my own web-shooters and made my own suit. It's not as high-tech as his but it'll have to do.

As you sit on the roof overlooking the city that never sleeps you notice a crowd of people gathering in front of the police station. Not many officers are around these days so people kinda do whatever. Such as running around in a spider costume kicking ass. 

Y/N: Might as well save New York's finest...again.

So I go ahead and jump off plummeting to my certain doom but then I fire off a web pulling myself up into the sky only to repeat the process until he comes to the police station roof

Y/N: Hey what seems to be the big deal here?
Officer: Oh thank god it's the Spider-Man. We don't know they think we're not doing our jobs to solve a string of murders
Y/N: Riiiiight. Okay let me help ya out

I jump down and land behind this guy who did a bad job at hiding a gun

Y/N: Ya know I don't think you've got a conceal and carry licenses.

He turns around to punch me but I just grab his fist and throw him over my shoulder

Y/N: Alright one down....a whole lot to go

The crowd of people begin to surround me as I try to fight them off, every time I try to web myself away someone's always finding a way to hold me down. All seems lost until a someone gets sent flying and the crowd quickly disperses. I look up to see my savior only to find that he is not a savior at all, but rather it's his most hated enemy. Venom

Y/N: oh no!

I the get picked up by the throat and thrown into a car.

Y/N: I'm gonna feel that one in the morning! Now come here ya ugly alien

I fire a web onto his chest and pull myself towards Venom and deliver a right hook across his jaw. He then grabs my arm and slams me into the ground. Before he can begin to wail on me I pull my legs to my chest and push him away. Doing a cool flip I end up back on my feet and web two trash cans and and bring my arms together into an X formation causing the two trash cans to come crashing into Venom sandwiching him for a moment. This causes a brief stunning as I begin to web him up

Y/N: Not so tough now are ya?!
Officer: Spider-Man catch!

I turn around and catch a flash bang

Y/N: Thanks officer!

I chuck it at Venom and it causes the symbiote to come off of its host for a brief moment allowing me to fire a web at the host and yank him out.

Y/N: And venom snatched another random off the streets. Now what to do with this alien goop?
Officer: We could put it in a jar
Y/N: nah it'll break out....we need to freeze it. Get me some liquid nitrogen please?

The officer nods and leaves while you web up a tiny wall around the symbiote to prevent it from escaping. The officer then returns with liquid nitrogen that he obtained from an ice cream shop.

Y/N: Thanks look like a Jim at least.

Y/N then turns to what's left of venom and sprays it down this freezing it. He then stomps on it effectively shattering it. Little does Y/N know, a tiny little bit of it slips into his boot.

Y/N: Alright I should call it a night. Got school in the morning.

And so Spider-Man webs himself away back to his apartment in Queens. He sneaks into his window before his older sister catches him and rats him out to their parents in Los Angeles.

Y/N: What a night.

And so the young hero knocks out in his bed to wake up for school the next day

Hey what's up guys I know that many people won't read this but I just wanna leave this mostly cuz it's been causing huge writers block for my other stories. Love whoever reads this

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