The Rhino

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I'm just sitting in class waiting for the last bell to ring so I can start my spring break. Me, Crystal, Marcus, and his sister Maya were all going to go camping. I've been looking forward to this as it may be my only break I'll get for a while.... And that's the bell time to go! I get out of my seat and meet Marcus by the front of the school.

Y/N: Ready?
Marcus: Yeah let's bounce.

We started to head off campus but of course I get stopped by a news alert

Y/N: Damnit. Hostage situation. Look can you go and get my stuff and tell Crystal I'll meet you guys at the campsite?
Marcus: Sure but how're you gonna get to the campsite
Y/N: I'll use the iron spiders repulsers to fly or something like that.

I take off into an alley and have the iron spider form onto me and start to use the mechanical legs to move along the roofs of New York. I finally end up at a bank where there is currently a group holding hostages demanding money

Y/N: What is this a GTA heist? (Shameless self plug for my Doomsday story 😂)

I web up to the roof and see a door on the roof. So I enter through that and start to crawl along the ceiling.

Y/N: I count 5 up here. X amount down in the vault. Maybe about 2 at the entrance? Oh well. Show time

I drop down and do this cool superhero landing

Y/N: My knees!
Robber 1: Huh?
Y/N: I hi.

I sweep him off his legs and he pulls the trigger on his AR and bullets fly up. So I grab the gun and throw it at the closest robber then webbing him to me and roundhouse kicking him in the head.

Y/N: 2 down. About 10 to go!

Then the other three robbers in the main lobby charge at me and one actually shoots me but the bullet bounces harmlessly off the suit

Y/N: That tickles

I fire two webs at some plants and bring my arms into an X causing me to pull the two plants together and they both hit one robber on the head smashing into pieces effectively knocking him out.

Y/N: Damn nature you scary!

I web swing towards the final two and clothesline them and then web them to the floor

Y/N: Now for your friends.

I run to the entrance and find two guards waiting for me and they fire off their guns but it only dents my suit. So I use the mechanical legs on my back to smack them across the face and then web them to a wall.

Y/N: Alright last grou-

I get cut off by a shotgun blast that actually knocks me down and makes a hole in my suit and in my stomach.

Y/N: Augh! What was that?!
Robber: Slug round. Figured buckshot wouldn't be enough.

I flip myself up and uppercut him and then web him to the ceiling. And then webbing the hole in my suit

Y/N: I hope you get 10 years.

I run down into the vault ignoring the pain in my stomach and find it to be...empty? I then hear the sounds of heavy gunfire and screaming. I run outside and see someone who I put in jail awhile ago.

The rhino

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The rhino.

Y/N: Hey ugly!
Rhino: Spider-Man- who're you? 
Y/N: Still me. Just a different suit.
Rhino: I'm gonna enjoy this

He makes a protective glass slide over his face and begins to shoot at me. I swing myself at him and kick it's center of gravity but I'm met with the sickening sound of bones breaking. Yup I just broke my foot and probably my shin.

Rhino: C'mon.

He picks me up and slams me into the ground and fires his minigun at me. The suit holds together but I get hit by some of the bullets.

Rhino: This is your end Spider-Man!

I manage to fire a web into his gun jamming it and then flipping away from him

Y/N: Damn...

I look at the crowd of people around us and spot Gwen who has a terrified/worried expression on her face.

Y/N: Alright ugly. I can do this all day.
Rhino: I doubt.

He then makes the suit transform into a mechanical rhino and then charges at me

Y/N: Oh son of a-

I get hammered by the horn and get sent into a wall forming a crater. My suits systems begin to flash red

Y/N: Yup those are system failures.
Rhino: Hahah I think I'll just go ahead and kill these people. That'll wake you up Spider.

He turns to charge at the crowd but I web and plant my legs down to stop him. As he pulls to move forward I pull back with all my strength and try to use my mechanical legs but they aren't coming out.

3rd person POV

Spider-Man is holding back a 2 ton robotic rhino from charging and killing innocent civilians. Slowly but surely, the rhino begins to beat out Spider-Man's strength.

Gwen's POV

I couldn't believe it. Y/N L/N the quite kid from my class was holding back a monster of a killing machine. It's definitely not lite. But what's more? I'm paralyzed by fear. I can't move, as the rhino is right in front of me. That's when he starts to lose traction


With my last burst of energy I pull the rhino back and cause him to fall on his side. My muscles are screaming in agony. I'm bleeding hard right now. My foots broke and I think somethings up with my back.

Y/N: That *pant* all you got? *pant*

The rhino then gets back up

Rhino: Hahah I knew you'd wake up eventually.

He charges me and I start to fire webs at his legs to slow him down but he turns back into his mech form and fires his mini guns at me. I do a backflip to avoid them but he turns back into a rhino and rams me into a wall.

Rhino: Is that all you got?

I kick his protective glass and manage to break it but he turns back into his mech and repeatedly slams me into the floor. I can feel my strength drain out of my body. I don't know how much more I can take.

3rd person POV

The rhino then holds Spider-Man by his head shows him to the citizens

Rhino: This child is your hero?! Your protector?! Not anymore!

He then grabs Spider-Man's torso and crushes it earning gasps from the crowd....Spider-Man was dead...

Wassssap guys? Holy shit what a chapter! But i promise you there is another chapter but it focuses on what happens after your death. Trust you'll like it. Byyyyye

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