Chapter 2

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(Tweek Pov)

I sigh watching everyone talk to each other forgetting I'm here again, "you can have mine if you want" Stan's sweet voice offered, Clyde's eyes lit up like a flame. Stan passed his taco over and I couldn't help but feel like someone stabbed me as Stan smiled at Kyle.

sighing I stood up finishing my coffee walking through the hallway to Kyle's locker, I pulled out my note book writing a note.

Stay away from him if you know what's good for you 

I hope he'll understand and give Stan his space and get the hint to get close with somebody else, I put the note through the locker strolling away. I gave a small smile at Kyle who didn't give any signs that I was there, "your invisible if you just let me take over I promise Stan will notice you" the voice said making me shiver.

last time I let him take over Wendy got hurt... no worst she died...

as I got outside feeling the cold air hit my face I could see everyone in their groups, Craig and Kenny were beside the wall talking while Token was reading a book alone on the grass, Clyde was with Cartman "you need to be nicer to Kyle" Clyde said annoyed as Cartman burst out laughing.

"be nice to the Jew?" he laughed out earning Clyde to growl, I sigh spotting Kyle walking out the doors and strolled over to Stan who was beside a smaller boy with blonde hair and a blue jumper.

I sat down in the shade pulling out my drawing pad and started on a new page drawing the frame, one day he'll see my art and will fall in love with me. I kept peeking over at Kyle seeing him still whispering to Stan, why isn't he listening to the note...

I felt light headed making me panic "n-no I don't want to" I mumble out, everything seem to get darker around me as I stood up and made my way into the school leaving a note again inside Kyle's locker.

"if he doesn't listen to it then I'm taking control" the voice hissed out, I don't understand does the voice have control on me now? I couldn't move my body or stop what I was doing.

I panicked hearing the bell go and voices making me rush to my locker opening it hearing students go by,"hey Kyle there's a movie and I was wondering if we could have a sleep over tomorrow?" Stan's voice asked making me growl.

"sure I'll love that!" Kyle said with joy, I gripped my hair seeing Kyle stopping moving "g-go ahead I have to get something" he said as Stan gave him a small nod. I slowly made my way to the classroom behind Stan as we got into the classroom I sat down in my chair getting ready to listen to the teacher.

"ok students are we all here?" the teacher asked, I looked around not spotting Kenny, Craig and Kyle anywhere in the class. Stan rises his hand shaking his head not long after Craig and Kenny came in chuckling and Kyle was soon after them sitting next to Token.

"Tweek can you read the chapter that we are on" the teacher said passing everyone a book, I nodded my head opening it finding the chapter. "don't complain if you don't want to be here then leave" he told Stan.

after I finished I looked up seeing Stan looking at me, "d-did I do good?" I asked nervous the teacher nodded pointing at Kyle next who stood up and started off on the spot, show off...

sighing I gently got my drawing book out peeking over at Stan seeing him slowly fall asleep, I felt myself chuckle Kyle's so boring he's making Stan fall asleep. I felt my cheeks burn at how cute Stan looks while sleeping.

my mind blanked out the world around us until the bell scared me making me jump in my chair earning a chuckle from Clyde and Token while Cartman laughed muttering names, "You fell asleep when I was reading, am I that boring that I made you fall asleep!" Kyle said offended.

Stan tumbling out of his chair waking up while looking up at Kyle, "K-Kyle I'm sorry!" he panicked looking around the room. "you have to do what I did silly" Clyde said winking at Stan while sticking out his tongue.

does Clyde have a thing for Stan? he's always winking at him, nah that would be stupid isn't he and Token a thing?

"Marsh you're a bad boyfriend" Cartman said shaking his head I could see Stan blush making me angry, that's it I'm taking control...

I walked out before anyone else could, going right to Kyle's locker writing my note for Kyle so I'll have my Stan alone.

meet me at the pond I need to tell you something –Stan  

I rushed to my locker grabbing everything I needed making my way back home, not spotting Mom or Dad I sigh happily. I ran up the stairs to my bedroom pulling a box from under my bed, the black hoodie and knife was still here.

I put the hoodie on pushing all my hair inside the hood putting the knife in one of the pockets as I made my way to the pond, Kyle will regret accepting Stan's request.

I soon spotted Kyle on the flour, I wanted to stop myself so much but couldn't as I got closer standing in the way of the sun.

Kyle gently open his eyes looking up at me confuse "Stan?" he questioned confused I pulled out the knife from my pocket, he stared with terror kicking me right in the knee moving away from me "who are you!" he shouted getting on his feet.  

I felt myself chuckle at how Kyle was looking at me while shaking, Kyle ran the other way fearing for his life, as I ran after pushing him to the ground "Let me go!" he cried out scared "I'm sorry" I whisper feeling my eyes water up.

this is what you get, if only you would of let me taken control a long time ago I wouldn't of needed to kill him the voice muttered out.

"Help!" Kyle scream terrified I grab his neck putting my grip into it hearing Kyle choke on a sob, he kept crying trying to be loud for anybody to come save him!

I stabbed his back deep closing my eyes turning it around hearing Kyle cry in pain, "Help!" he sobbed out I felt myself giggle as I pulled out the knife moving it to his leg slowly pushing the blade through deeper then I did on his back, I watched as the blood strolled down his leg making me grin

he pushed with all his muscle kicking me off him as Kyle ran away sobbing in pain "Come back here!" I screeched angry he kept running but slowly started limping making me grin, I ran faster seeing we're almost in town grabbing Kyle pulling him into my chest.

"Kyle I warned you" I said in a serious tone I moved the knife on his neck backing up with Kyle back to the pond again away from the town... he kept sobbing  making me push the blade closer to his neck as it slowly cut his skin...

"W-Why" he questioned I kept giggling I made him stare out at the pond since it was a wonderful scene before he dies, "Stan belong to me... Jew" I hissed out in his ear cutting across his neck letting him fall to the ground gabbing his neck trying to stop the blood, I watched stunned feeling regret watching Kyle coughing and gagging trying to get air...

"S-S" he tried speaking spitting out blood from this mouth, Kyle looked up at me grabbing his neck making my eyes go wide as I took my hood down,

I wanted to say sorry do anything but couldn't still not able to get control yet, Kyle stared at me shocked as tears ran down his cheeks. I felt myself giggle grinning down at him watching his last moments on earth as Kyle's eyes slowly closed...

everything got blurry making me fall to the ground next to Kyle's body gasping for air, I let out all the tears grabbing Kyle's hand "I-I'm so, so sorry!" I sobbed out feeling my sins crawling on my back.

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