9~The Kiss

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It had now been two days since Niall and I got ice cream together. I hadn’t really talked to him since then but I still had his sweater and needed to return it. So that’s what I was doing right now. I was walking up the walk way to his front door. I knocked a couple times on the door before it opened. Niall’s dad was behind it. “Oh hey! Livy, right? What can I do for you?” He asked me politely.

“I was wondering if Niall was home?” I asked him.

“No sorry, he’s not here right now. But he’ll be home in a few minutes, if you want you can come in and wait for him.” He suggested with a kind smile.

“Ok thanks.” I smiled and walked through the doors as he stepped out of the way.

“If you want you can come sit with me in the living room. I’m just watching some football (soccer) at the moment.” He said which I was happy to accept his offer since I did love football (soccer).

“Sure. That’d be great.” I said sitting down in an empty seat on the couch, while Mr. Horan sat down in his recliner. Niall’s dad and I were both intently watching the game. My favourite team, which turned out to be Niall’s and his dad's favourite team too, were winning by 1. Right in the heat of the moment the other team scored a goal then the program immediately went to a commercial break. 

“So you’re a football(soccer) fan I see.” Niall’s dad smiled.

“Yes I am.” I replied with a sweet smile.

“I can tell you have good taste in teams too.” He added.

“I guess I do.” I responded.

The commercial was now over and the game was started back up again. That’s when I herd the front door open. “I’M HOME!” Niall called then was about to go upstairs before he noticed me sitting in the living room and stopped dead in his tracks obviously confused. “Hey!” He smiled, “What are you doing here?” He asked.

“I let her in.” His dad intersected.

“Yeah, I um… just came by a few minutes ago to drop this off. Your dad invited me in while I waited for you.” I blushed handing him his sweater. I felt out of place in his home. After all this was the first time I’d been here and he didn’t even know I was here.

“Oh!” He said taking his sweater, “Thanks.” He smiled. I smiled back.

“Well I guess I should go then..” I said hesitantly.

“No wait. You can stay if you want.” Niall said grinning.

“Alright.” I said feeling more welcome again.

“Do you want to finish watching the game?”He gestured to the TV.

“Sure.” We sat down beside each other on the couch. We were probably sitting as close as we possibly could without touching.

Eventually with all the cheering we had scooted close together and now sitting extremely close. Niall must have noticed how close we got because he scooted over giving me a bit of space. I really didn’t mind sitting that close to him but oh well. Unexpectedly, He slowly reached over and took hold of my hand. I looked down smiling, then he gave it a quick squeeze, when I looked up he was looking at me smiling too. I then got more comfortable and sliding a bit closer to him. I hadn’t noticed Niall’s dad glancing over, when Niall and I noticed, his dad let out a soft chuckle, I blushed again. “Is there something you’re not telling me son?” Mr. Horan questioned with a smirk.

“What do you mean?” Niall asked innocently.

“Withholding secrets from your own father, are we?!” Mr. Horan gasped. I felt like I was blushing pretty bad now and just looking down at the floor trying to make my rosie cheeks go away. Niall squeezed my hand. I looked up, he was smiling at me.

“I guess…” Niall paused for a moment, “I didn’t tell you I had a girlfriend.” He finished then looked away from me over to his dad, who was chuckling again. Girlfriend?… Girlfriend! I think he just called me his girlfriend. Not gonna lie, I like the way that sounds.

“You’re right, you didn’t tell me.” Niall’s dad said grinning, “But that’s okay I won’t hold it against you.”


A while later I went home for supper. After supper Harry, Liam and I were gonna play some PS3. They were coming over at seven. I had also invited Niall to come over too.

It was now seven and Liam was down stairs setting the console up, while I went to answer the door. “Hey Harry!” I smiled and let him in. Just down the road I saw Niall coming too. We waited a few seconds for him to get here. I greeted him then closed the door. “Hey Niall!” We went down stairs to join Liam. Harry sat down on the left side of the couch and Niall on the right. Liam grabbed two controllers handing one too Harry then sitting down in the chair next to him. I grabbed the other two controllers, handed one to Niall, then down on the couch between him and Harry.

We’d been playing for a while now, we’d played a few rounds of our game and were now on the fifth round. Harry and I were both out so it was just Niall and Liam now. “Hey is anybody thirsty? I’m going to get some water.” I said standing up and stepping out of the way of the television. They all wanted some too.

“Hold up. I’ll come help you carry them down.” Harry called getting up and following me.

I went to the cupboard and got out four cups and placed them on the counter beside the sink. I went to turn the tap on but something stopped me. Harry snaked his arm around my waist and smoothly turned me to face him. He was looking directly in my eyes with a grin on his face. What was he doing? He leaned forward and kissed me but I pushed him away. At the same time I herd a familiar irish accent… “Livy?” Niall said. He sounded chocked and confused. He and Liam had finished the game and came upstairs to help. “What are you doing?!” Now I could hear a hint of anger. Which made me furious with Harry. Who just kisses someone out of the blue like that? He’s never shown any interest in me that way before tonight. Why tonight? I rushed over to Niall, but he backed away.

“Niall, it was…” I started to explain but he cut me off.

“I don’t want to hear your excuse.” He almost yelled, then his voice fell to just over a whisper and his accent really coming out strong, “I’m leaving now.” He walked to the door and put his shoes and left as quickly as possible. What just happened? Why? He didn’t let me explain. I stood frozen in place for moment processing. Were we over before we barely even got to start? Snapping back to reality, I ran to door and swung it open. He was half way down the street so I ran to the side walk calling his name.

“Niall!” I yelled. He was ignoring me, I knew he could hear me, he just didn’t want to. “Niall!” I tried to get his attention again, “It wasn’t what you think! Please just let me explain!” He wasn’t acknowledging me. He just kept walking. Angry tears began to fall down my face. I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t want to go back inside because Harry was there. Niall doesn’t want to talk to me and probably hates me now, so I can’t go see him. I really just wanted to go talk to Louis. I always go to his house when I had a problem but I can’t go there because he lives on the same street as Niall and that’s the direction Niall’s going in. My only option is to go back inside. I ran through the front door which was still open, past Harry and Liam, up the stairs and closed my bedroom door. Walking over and flopping on my bed is when the tears began to really fall. So I wrapped my self in my covers and lay there until I had no more tears for gravity to take advantage of.

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