Understanding the teacher

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He gave me a green pad that is called 'you can think pad' which was an odd name.
But you answered them correctly, so you want up to the teacher for him to check if they were right or not.

He looked at each question steadily. It was somewhat cute watching him concentrate. He looked up at you and you turned your head away from his glance with a big blush spread across your face.

After sometime of completing math, the bell suddenly rung. You were happy but before you were released, Baldi asked you to come up towards his desk. You did as you were told and all he did was thanked you for solving the math questions correctly

Then you were released to eat out of your lunch box. After you were done you decided to explore this so called school.

You tuned the Cornnor and saw a large kid with a orange shirt, blue jeans and brown hair and shoes.

You tuned the Cornnor and saw a large kid with a orange shirt, blue jeans and brown hair and shoes

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He stood tall and glanced straight down at you, you looked up as he spoke.
"Your not going past until you give me something great!" He demanded.
You glanced up with fear floating in your eyes.

So you dug your hand in your jumper pocket and pulled out a candy bar and slowly gave it towards him.

He snatched it out of your hands and gobbled it down while allowing you past. You were happy that you survived.

As you kept walking down the halls you came across a cute kid with brown curly hair, a red sweater, blue skirt and an adorable smile while hold a jump rope.

As you kept walking down the halls you came across a cute kid with brown curly hair, a red sweater, blue skirt and an adorable smile while hold a jump rope

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She smiled at you and simply just smiled.
"Let's play!!" She cried.
"Umm ok then..." I replied as she began counting.

"1... 2... Oops you messed up"

1... 2...3...4...5 yay, let's play again sometime soon!" She sang happily.

Glad that was over, you said to yourself.

As you kept waking the bell rang, I guess it's home time.

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