Chapter 7 Vacation and encounter

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It is a sunny day, the members of squad 13 are walking in a forest wearing swimsuits, they see an end to the forest and they arrive at a beach all of the members look excited at the sea.

Zorome:"The ocean!"

Zorome runs to ocean, and his partner Miku looks annoyed, Goro put an umbrella, Zero two is taking Hiro and Shinji to the water. Zero two notices that Shinji is kinda of scare.

Zero two:"You don't know how to swim"

Shinji nods and Zero two smiles.

Zero two:"Then I'll teach you"

Zero two starts teaching Shinji how to swim and he starts getting the hang of it. Shinji is swimming around until he sees Futoshi, Zorome on a float and Goro looking at the girls.

Shinji:"What are you guys doing?"

They look at him.

Zorome:"Shinji back in your world, were girls look 50% cuter when they were on the beach?"

Shinji look at girls until he realised what they meant.

Shinji:(Dumbfounded expression)"Well, yes"

Then he gets pull into the water and sees Zero two pulling him, Zorome and the other wander what the hell happened? Meanwhile in a shore Shinji is breathing and laying in the sand.

Shinji:"Zero two why did you do that?"

Zero two:"I just wanted to get your attention"

Shinji looks surprised, Zero two gets on top of him. Shinji blushes a lot.

 Zero two:"You know I still want to pilot with you"

Shinji:"I don't understand they said that I couldn't pilot, because my genetic structure was different"

Zero two:"You should start being more aware that they lie to you about something you don't remember"

Shinji stares at Zero two with a questioning face, until she gets up and she offers her hand, he grabs her hand and then he feels something familiar and the feeling of warmth. Meanwhile Toji and Kensuke are walking around a ruined town.

Toji:"So the human here left the outside world?"

Kensuke:"Thats right, according to the satellites informations, creature call Klaxosaur came out and attacked humans"

Toji:(Confuse)"Klaxo... What?"

Kensuke:"There creatures similar to the angels but better"

Toji:"That makes sense"

Meanwhile with squad 13 are coming out of a forest and they are staring at a ruined town, the squad look in surprise at the town.

Hiro:"What is this place?"

Shinji:"People used to live here, it is called a town and a small one, there are store and houses here and a lot of stuff left here"

Zorome:"There is old stuff here?"

Shinji nods and everyone separates to discover what is in the town, Shinji is with Hiro, Zero two, Ichigo and Goro, They look at some abandoned stores, Ichigo finds a library and she looks inside.

Shinji:"Ichigo found anything interesting?"

Ichigo:"Nothing but old books and posters"

Then they hear something, voices. They walk slowly to make no noise and they hide Zero two sneak peaks and sees two boys coming their direction she hides.

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