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I heard the door creak.

I looked behind, breaking the kiss and was faced with a teary eyed Amber, Jonah right behind her and their hands interlocked.

"Za..Zach.." her voice trailed off as she eased herself out of Jonah's grip and ran out of sight.


I pushed Jemma off me and got off the bed ready to take off after Amber when I was stopped by Jonah.

"Don't Zach. Don't go after her," he said gripping onto my arm tightly with a not so friendly look on his face.

"Let me go for fucks sake," I yelled at him and tried to break from his grip.

Daniel pushed me against the wall, his strong arms pinning me to the wall.

It reminded me of the time when Tyson beat me up. The day this whoke thing started. Obviously thinking about it didn't help me stay any more still.

Corbyn and Jack ran out of the house, Jonah was out of sight. Where the hell was Jemma and why do I care? I hurt my bestfriend so let me talk to her if it's the last thing I do. I struggled to get out of Daniel's grip but the guilt inside of me made me weak and more fragile than a glass jar.

"I made a mistake, come on just let me fix this one mistake," I continued shouting, pleading with a fiery eyed Daniel to let me go.

"You'll make things worse so sit your ass down and stop yelling,"

Calmly I said,

"Fuck it, let me go,"

"Zach, go after her and do what? She'll run further and she doesn't even know her way around,"

"But I'll be following her," I reasoned with him.

"She ran out to get away from you. Get that inside that brain of yours. So shut the fuck up and calm your ass down and think why she would run away in the first place," Daniel's grip loosened and I fell onto the ground.

I wasn't injured, but my heart was scarred.

This hurts even more than the bruises Tyson gave me.

My last thoughts before I passed out.


Ayyo back w another update!
decided to split this chapter into two bc

1. seperate the smut
2.to 'build' the intensity, idk if it worked but yea

Personally so far this is my favourite chapter and I can't wait for yall to see next week's chapter and I hope yall like this week's update as much as i  did hehe


1.28K SAY WHAT (1028 coz the read count goes liddat idk why) THANK YOU ALL FOR READING AND VOTING JDKDKSKSKSKS


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