Arriving at Stark Towers

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The morning streams of light filtered through Peter's window shining right onto his eye, groaning and grumbling Peter woke up to the Friday's voice. "Good Morning Peter, time is currently 6:03 am, and it is currently a sunny 23 degrees outside, Ms Potts is in the kitchen making breakfast" "Thanks FRI" Peter yawned stumbling around to get ready. He pulled on a faded black hoodie over his grey shirt, finding some moss green Nike he shoved them on. Putting his laptop in his bag, Grabbing his earphones and phone he bounded downstairs to get some breakfast.

"Good Morning Peter"Pepper greeted "Morning Pepper" Peter smiled grabbing a plate of toast eggs and bacon. "Do you know where Tony is?" he asked sitting down on the breakfast bar. "I'm right here" Tony announced walking in with an empty mug, he set it down next to the coffee machine "Hey Pep" he greeted Pepper with a small kiss "He kiddo, I got your permission slip"he said pulling out the note with his fancy signature with on the bottom right corner.

"I'll make you some coffee"Tony decided while Pepper went upstairs to take a call. Before Tony could take a mug for Peter he bolted forwards and grabbed it "No thank you, Tony, but your coffee gives me the shivers" Tony looked offended as he brought out a second coffee machine from one of the many cupboards "Amateur". Tony grumbled. Peter chuckled waiting for his coffee to brew.

TIME SKIP( he is waiting for the bus to take his class to the tower)

As the big stereotypical yellow school bus rolled to a stop at the school gate, Peter started to really contemplate running off to somewhere or convincing Ned to break his leg.

"Maybe I can ditch?" he asked Ned as he shoved his hand further into his pockets. "Yeah, and when Tony realizes you're not in the tour group?"Ned asked him "Oh no Peter didn't care to visit me" he fake sobbed. Peter defeatedly sighed and looked at his class getting on the bus. He joined the line with Ned and waited while being pushed and shoved to get onto the bus, finally sitting down in front of MJ who was reading a novel Flash finally started to pester him. "Hey, Penis Parker can't wait for you to be kicked out when they realize you were lying about your internship" he taunts."Is your 'best friend Tony Stark gonna be they to say hello?" he asked nudging his friends in victory when Peter shuffled himself closer to the window seat. Flash continued smirking at Peter "I mean why would he recruit someone as stupid as you?" he cackled "He doesn't even take in high - school students" Flash accused, sneering when MJ and Ned shot him a dirty look.

"I could die right now" Peter groaned quietly so only MJ and Ned could here but somehow Flash heard. "Why, is it cause your internship is fake and you're probably just paying Tony Stark" Flash challenged a victorious smirk plastered on his face. MJ turned to him with an annoyed look "Flash please your tiny bit of I.Q and think about the fact that you can't pay Tony Stark to do anything" she quips "He's a freaking billionaire"

"Whatever" he mumbles turning to talk to his goons."Thanks"Peter commented standing up to get off the bus, MJ nods her head towards him placing her novel in her book bag, she followed out the bus and glanced up high at the tower. "We should be planning Peter's funeral right now Ned" she commented grinning at Ned. "I'll handle the invites, you handle the coffin" he grins back. "Guys" Peter whines "That isn't far". They both smirk at him before walking up to the entrance where they see a receptionist typing quickly at her computer, without looking up she says "Hello, Welcome to Stark Industries, please wait for a little for a tour guide to come down to assist you" she looked up and smiled "I'm Marisa just ask if you need anything." Peter recognized her and rushed to duck behind MJ and Ned." Peter?" Marissa asked spotting him."Ah yeah, hey Marissa" he stuttered aware that everyone, sans MJ and Ned, were looking at him in awe. "What are you doing here in a high - school tour group?" Peter gulped nervously "Well you know, school field trips, yeah and stuff like that". She chuckled and smiled at him "Have fun then Peter."

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