A Stark Internship Test

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After the incident with Flash Bruce came back and led the group to one of the many spare labs, on the many counters was an unfinished robot with a laptop and a box of parts. Just as Bruce was explaining that " You have to put together the robot  without any instructions and then code it to do something" Flash walked in pissed off and took a seat next to his friends flaring at Peter from across the room, momentarily surprised by Flash's entrance Bruce started again "You will have 1 hour to complete it and you will be working by yourself, please go find a counter and start working on it immediately. Everyone just looked at Bruce dumfounded, he sighed and snapped his fingers twice "Hello? Are you guys gonna move or.." he trailed off and the group scuttled off to find counters next to their friends. 

"Um hey Bruce," Peter asked " Do I need to the test? Can I just work my A.I project?" Bruce nodded grabbing a black suitcase which had a Stark Industries logo on it, he nodded handing Peter the heavy suitcase "Sure thing just sand a little away from the group. Setting down the suitcase he clicked he clicked it open taking the robot itself and his programming stuff, while he was taking his laptop out his bag MJ and Ned joined him "Bruce said we didn't need to do it" Ned explained after Peter gave them a confused look. "What are you doing anyway," MJ asked idly taking one of the chips and eyeing it. "Making and A.I?" "Exactly" Peter answered plucking the chip from her fingers "Tony wants to see what I had in mind for any future A.Is". They both nodded and MJ started to read her novel while Ned helped Peter on his laptop.

TIME SKIP ( The A.Is are being tested)

"Everyone please stop working and place your robots on the side of your counter please" Bruce instructed clapping his hand together to get everyone's attention. "Right now I am going to test all your A.Is and their ability to pick the best 3," Bruce said walking up to Dylan's one. " I will be testing the design" he said turning a misplaced arm " The circuit board" he continued prying the back open to reveal a bunch of tangled wires " And how well it performs its task" Bruce finished as Dylan pressed a key on his laptop making the robot move its sad arm up a little bit up before going limp again.

"You did not do well". That sentence was said 20 times with the exception of" Go stand up in the front" At the end of the whole process Cindy, Max & Flash who was the only one smirking at everyone with a superior smirk. "Ok Bruce started before Flash cut him off "Why didn't Parker, Ned and MJ do it" he snapped " They are apart of the class" he accused."It's because I wanted to talk to them" A voice  continued answered for Burce, everyone turned around to see Tony freaking Stark standing there in a grey Armani suit and a blue tie sporting red-tinted sunglasses." Oh my god" Flash stuttered taking a step forward "You're Tony Stark." "No, I'm Captain America" he snorted back sarcastically "Anyways where are the 3 best creations" he clapped his hands together walking towards Bruce who was holding the 3 robots which turned out the best of this group," he said excitedly.

Reaching for Cindy's one he immediately placed it down. "No"

He next grabbed Max's which he pried open like Bruce, but he immediately placed it down "Generic"

Finally reaching for Flash's one he took one look at it and burst out laughing. "Oh geez" Tony breathed "Bruce, did you see it" he stuttered facing Bruce placing and hand on the table " Yes" Bruce smiled laughing, they took one look at it and both burst out laughing "Oh my god" Tony cackled. Flash looked mortified as everyone snickered at his fail, deciding not to say anything leaving it for the questions later he just turned around silencing everyone with a glare, he made his way to his friends shoving people out of his way. After Bruce and Tony calmed down he left the group momentarily while Bruce led them to one of the many conference rooms for the Q & A session.

"Hey Peter, Ned, MJ" he greeted sitting down on the stool placing his elbow on the table " How was the tour?" Peter screwed in a screw on his robot's leg before answering "Very eventful"   Tony smirked "Well you know it's a tour to my tower" MJ and Ned snickered as Peter glared at Tony. He shook his hands in front of him turning to Ned and MJ, well mostly to MJ. " So Michelle"Tony started " MJ" she corrected but Tony ignored it "Well I would like to inform you that you are being offered a very exclusive Stark Internship"" she arched her eyebrow at Tony before letting him continue with a nod of her head " Well you see I happen to know that you managed to find out that Peter here" he laughed jabbing his thumb in Peter's direction "Was Spiderman, and frankly, I'm not surprised he isn't the best in the secret identity department"he winked at MJ whose face had had not changed at all during Tony's sentence but she slowly asked "So why am I all of a sudden being offered a Stark Internship? Do you give them out to everyone who figures out Spiderman's identity?" Tony chuckled "Well no" "That wouldn't be a lot of people" he added.

"I'm giving you an internship because you're observant, observant enough to know that Peter was Spiderman through just seeing him daily at school" Tony said "And also you manage to keep Peter out of trouble so that's doing me a big favour for me, keeping an eye on this little spider" he added ruffling Peter's hair with his knuckles, he set his hands down on the table in a fist "Plus getting someone like you as a intern before someone else does." he stopped momentarily to push his sunglasses up his nose " Your skills can be key to listening to extra points people don't usually listen to" he admitted, Tony looked up to MJ who had been pursuing her lips contemplating what Tony said.

"Ok" she nodded a smirk coming onto her face before Tony could thank her she added "But you cant call me Michelle, it's MJ" she insinuated."Too bad" Tony grinned "See me after the Q & A session to get you I.D cards and all M Jones" earning a shout from MJ "It's MJ".

Rolling her eyes she turned to Peter and Ned who were typing away on his laptop, "Sooo" she started, but earning no answer from them."Hey!" she tried again clocking her fingers in front of their faces, that seemed to do the trick and Ned and Peter looked at her.

"Um so what did Tony want?"


So this is an actual continued chapter of this story

hope you enjoy

Youngblood - 5 Seconds of Summer

Word Count: 1207

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