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SILENCE WAS consuming the dark room. leaving a small bulb hang on the ceiling to give a weak source of light. the clock ticked, showing that it's past 12 in the morning yet, the male who his skin covered with dry watercolour couldn't sleep. he stared ahead at the painting the just made,, hissing at the lack of soul he put into it. it's perfect in people's eyes, the way he brush and colours make a swirl, combining altogether to create a pretty picture of a broken wings. there's a few light touch of white and black to the wings, the wall was painted with a crimson liquid, dry bloods turning brownish as it stain the white wall. but, in jungkook's eyes..something was missing. the painting was soulless.

balling his hands, a gush of anger rose from his inside resulting him to slap the canvas off it's holder, letting it to helplessly fell on the dirtied floor of his studio. his breathes was ragging, few upset huffs leaving his pale chapped lips. walking out of the room, not minding to clear the huge mess he made, jungkook slammed the door shut, ignoring the sound of something falling over in his messy studio.
taking a heavy steps towards his room, jungkook threw himself on the bed, not caring to wash off the dirt and sweats on his body. his energy were slowly draining, his eyes fluttering close into a dreamless night.

he stumbled inside a room, unknown to him. the walls were painted white, curtains blown gently by the wind were the same. jungkook continue to take a step forward, curiosity getting the best of him when a choked sobs caught his ears. there's a corner, a dark corner that lead towards a staircase. he was unsure either to turn back or move forward and reach the source of cries. jungkook sighed, turning on his heels but the sound grew louder, almost seems like it was calling for Jungkook to reach out.

gulping down, he walked up the stairs - careful in his steps. his hands were shaking as he held the wall as a support. jungkook was now standing in front of a wooden door, few animal like scratches decorating the old door. he took a hold of the knob before pushing it open, walking inside without hesitation.

his pupils widened at the sight, mouth left agape in shock. he couldn't believe it, the creature. is this a dream?
There's a creature with a broken wings, his body was covered with nothing but cuts and bruises. his wings were torn, yet it doesn't ruin the aesthetic. his wings were white, the dirt getting on them causing it to slowly turning into an ash grey. he eyes were fixed on the angelic face, tears streaming down his red cheeks, blue eyes looking broken, helpless.

unconsciously Jungkook walked closer, his hand stretched forward to touch the creature's face but he froze once the male, the angel looked up. their gaze met, and his heart thumped. ethereal, that's perfect word to describe the male. the wind suddenly blew harsher, the sound of it sending a cripple shivers. the glass doors shake before breaking into tiny pieces, piercing right inside the creature's skin. jungkook screamed, his voice breaking when he helplessly collapsed,


......"NO!..." Jungkook jolted up when his alarm rang. sweats soaking his white shirt from last night. he panted, trying to catch his breath.

"what the hell was that....?" Jungkook muttered and shrugged his shoulders, ignoring the aching pain he felt.

I'm not sure if it was okay or not...... :D

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