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SEOKJIN STEPPED in their small rented room, looking up as he heard an excited scream from Namjoon "hyung~!!" he opened his arms after seeing the male's big grin on his face as he run towards him with his arms stretched forward.

Seokjin engulfed the male into a tight hug, sighing at the warmth that he always find so comforting. he felt the male started to scent him, giggling softly at the sweet scent Seokjin naturally gave off. "How is it, hyung?" Namjoon asked as he pulled away with his head titled to the side. He felt a tug to his heart at the question.

It's not okay...joon ah

a soft smile took over his face and he ruffled the soft locks, his smile widens when an adorable giggle emitted from the younger male. "It's great, joonie. and wanna hear a good news?" Namjoon blinked before nodding his head excitedly, feeling nervous to know the news Seokjin was announce.

"Hyung got a new work! With better payment!" he grinned, trying to hide his own discomfort at the idea of showing his full body at a stranger. Namjoon gasped, his  palm clamped over his mouth. "really?! yeey!!!!" once again, Namjoon  threw himself at Seokjin, hugging him tightly with a big smile on his face. he was happy, his hyung deserved it all. everything that's the best in this world and he was so glad the male is finally getting what he deserved.

"Oh, what's the job hyung?" Seokjin pushed Namjoon away a bit before he put his hands to his hips, crossing his legs before looking at Namjoon with an intense gaze. "Modelling" the other male nearly choked hearing the answer. he wanted to jump on Seokjin and pepper kisses all over his face but stopped himself from doing so as he saw the small smile on Seokjin's tired feature.

the male walked towards Namjoon, putting his warm palm over his cheek.
"After this, you can continue your study joon ah. He ever promised to help you with your dream..." Seokjin said with a smile on his face. the younger male could feel the tears that started to stung his eyes. he was getting closer to his dream. a rapper. he can finally show his talent, share his songs that he wrote based on things happening around him. help people with those.

"I love you, hyung. thank you so much!" Seokjin chuckled, leaning in to place a kiss on his crown.
"Anything for you, namu"

it was early in the morning, the glare of the sun seeping through the thin layer of curtains. hitting both of the male in the face, burning their skin with its heat. Seokjin stirred in his sleep, grumbling lowly before he flutter his eyes open. it was Saturday, their day off from the café. he looked down at the boy soundly asleep in his arms, smiling down gently before he carded his fingers into the bird nest like hair. the younger was supposed to sleep on the top bunk but he insisted, giving an excuse of wanting to warm Seokjin up. carefully removing the arms that were wrapped around his waist before he tiptoed his way to the bathroom.

standing under the cold shower, he shivered abit, his lips tucked under his front teeth. he needs to take the cold shower in order to give Namjoon the warm one. the younger male easily catch a flu and he definitely can't handle seeing his puffy eyes and red tinted runny nose after he came back from work. stepping out quickly, he ran towards his clothes rack and threw over a large pink hoodie with a pair of skinny blue jeans. Seokjin took his phone and wallet before walking over to the sleeping Namjoon who was snoring in his sleep.

"See you later, namu" he mumbled, fixing the thin blanket to make sure it cover Namjoon from the chilly air and placed a small kiss to his adorable button nose.

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