「1」New Homeroom Teacher

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This is just some random story I decided to write for no apparent reason sooo…. enjoy! ^^

Also the story takes place in an AU where the 77th class is the most troublesome and the tragety never happened.

Most of what happens in this chapter is from the first episode of the Danganronpa 3 Despair Arc episode 1. Sorry I’m not sorry. xD


“Izuru Kamukura was it?”


“I’m Chisa Yukizome, the homeroom teacher of the 77th class. Thank you for agreeing to take over my position for the remaining part of the year, I highly appreciate it.”

“Your welcome.”

“Now be warned… these kids are more trouble then most of the kids here so be careful with them. Also make sure that they are doing tasks relevant to their talents. This is a class of juvenile delinquents not much older than yourself so anything you do is fine.”

“Duly noted.”

“Well… that covers everything, I know you just graduated as the top student in the school so we all have high expectations of you. Good luck!”

“Thank you ma’am. Now if this conversation is over I’m leaving.”

--3rd person P.O.V.--

“Ugh this class is soooo boring.” Says a young female with long (h/c) locks and young (e/c) eyes that darted around the classroom every few seconds. She took out a (f/c) candy and popped it into her mouth. (y/n) (l/n) was her name.

“That is most likely because you are the only person in the room.” A boy with super long black hair and piercing red eyes replied out of nowhere. His name, Izuru Kamukura.

“And just who the hell are you supposed to be?” (y/n) asked in a very rude manner.

She crossed her arms and leaned back in her chair kinda like how the Ultimate Yakuza, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu does.

“My name is Izuru Kamukura, I am to be your homeroom teacher.” He replied simply.

As soon as he finished talking four students enterd the room. Their names were Sonia Nevermind, Hiyoko Saionji, Maihiro Koizumi and Mikan Tsumiki. Of course Mikan, being the clutz that she is, fell down as soon as she entered the classroom.

“Waaaah! Not again! Why does gravity hate meeee!” She wined as she was caught in a web of different matirals that caused her to fall.


“Forgive me Saionjiiiiiii!”

“Whatever just get up already. It will be fine so long as you do.” (y/n) said crossing her arms.

“Where are the rest of your classmates?” Izuru suddenly asks.

“Truth be told, this may be all you get.” Sonia states.

“And just what are your classmates so busy doing during school hours?”

“Who knows? And it’s not like I care either way.” (y/n) replied.

“Not to sound flip, but at the academy, no,one really cares if you miss classes, so long as you focus on your skills, and that you pass the exams, you're fine.” Says Maihiro.

“I see. How boring.”

“Huh? Well yeah, having just us five in the classroom everyday while everyone else is out doing thier own thing, thats pretty boring.” Sonia states matter-of-factly.

“Then I guess we have no other option than to find the rest of your classmates.”

“Huh?! What the hell are you talking about?!” Saionji asked clearly a little pissed that she has to get up and walk around when she literally just sat down.

“Yeah and what the hell are you trying to pull here? I’m pretty sure that Ms. Yukizome was our homeroom teacher last time I checked.” (y/n) added.

“She has to attend to work overseas and I was assigned to this class. And I’m talking about bringing your classmates to this room, that way things are less boring.”

“Um… sure why not. Its not like we have anything better to do.” Says Maihiro.

Everyone agrees with her except for one person.

“Count me out. No one ever said that I had to be friends with you bitches.” (y/n) says in a very rude manner.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a knife was slammed down on her desk.

“Well, look at you. Big man with a blade huh? Is that it?” (y/n) said not affected at all by the knife sticking out of her desk.

“If it can fix that attitude of yours, I don’t mind harming one of my students.” Izuru claims, his expression never changing.

“Humph. Can it teach, you don't got the stones for it-- huh?!”

Within a split second Izuru had pushed the knife through the desk and was now holding it in his other hand all while taking the young female by surprise.

“U-um, I was wrong! You have the biggest ones in the room!” (y/n) stated nervously.

“Then I think we understand each other.” Izuru said while putting the blade up to her throat.

“Heh. Crystal clear in fact. Lead the way sir.”

And so they all set off to find their classmates.



I’m soooo sorry if Izuru is a bit OOC. I tried my best to rewrite part of the first episode do that he was the teacher and you were the student.

The updates my be slow but you know, I’ll try to update when I can.

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