「9」Extra Help - Part 1

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Y/N had been feeling horrible lately. 

She tried to do whatever she could to get Kamukura to crack, but nothing seemed to work at all!

She was losing sleeping trying to plan her next moves.

She was more cranky and irritable than usual lately. 

It was noticeable in the way she talked and the way she looked.

Everyday she would try to do something to get Kamukura to just quit and leave, but he was always one step ahead of her.

But even he was starting to grow worried for his student.

She was failing the class.

Not only that, but it looks like she hasn't been eating or sleeping at all.

She was bent out of shape, and she needed help.

That was why he and Hajime decided to help her and her brother out. Well, actually it was more of Hajime's idea...

*Flashback to an hour ago*

"Hajime... what are you trying to tell me?"

"Have you not noticed by now? The (L/N)'s I mean? Both of them have been slipping. They both used to get amazing scores and now they've dropped down to failing."

"Yes it is rather unfortunate for them, but that is their decision. I cannot push them any more then I am prompted to by the system."

"Then let's help them outside of the system."

"What are you implying?" 

"I'm saying we tutor them after school, and see what's going on with them. Sure they're trouble, but their also our top students."

The sound of a paper hitting a desk harshly was hear across the room.

"Are you sure this is wise? 


"Then tell her brother, because she herself will most likely ignore it coming from me."

"Alright then."

*Flashback end.*

Kamukura had been watching her the whole class period after lunch. It was a free period. 

She was sitting idly, looking outside the window, off into her own world. 

Finally he spoke up.

"(Y/N). See me after class."

She gave a small wave as if she was swatting a fly. 

"Yeah whatever you want teach."

Seems it will take more than they planned to get her to change.

-You're P.O.V-

No matter what the teach wanted to talk to her about she would not care. She was too busy to care.

She needed to keep going, to win the game. If it meant failing and retraining and trying then she'll do just that.

 She'll get him to run away screaming like she did the others. Like he did to her oh so many years ago...

It's just payback for what the world had given to her and her family. 

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