~Chapter One~The Move

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Stefany's P.O.V: My mom had just gotten home from work and i was sitting up stairs listening to music and just relaxing on my bed. My mom knocked on my door and i said "Come in!" She sat down next to me on my bed and that's when it all happened, She said "Stef honey i have some great news!" I looked at her and said "Okaay what is it?" I was worried becasue of what she was about to say. She opened her mouth and said "Were moving to Canada!" I froze. I couldn't believe it. After all these years of living here in California we were moving to Canada. I wasn't to excited becasue I didn't want to move. I would have to say goodbye to all of my friends and make new ones.  I wasn't ready. My mom told me that we had no choice and we had to be in Canada In 3 Days. I got up from my bed and started to walk around in the house remembering all the Childhood memeories I had. Tears escaped from my eyes and i just couldn't help but cry. I was really moving. 

I decided to go to sleep since it was getting kinda late. I slipped my Pijamas one and plopped myself down on my bed. I drifted of to sleep trying not to think about what was going to be happening the next few days. 

The next morning when I  woke up, I saw that some of the boxes were already packed. I saw my Mom outside, she was loading some of the Boxes into the car and i decided to go outside to see what was going on. I walked over to my Mom and asked her "Mom what's going on?" She said " Oh Hi honey! I decided that we would just pack all our stuff right now and head out in just a little while so might as well get packing!" I groaned and put a fake smile on my face. I walked back into the house and up to my room. I had some boxes up there so i started out with my clothes. I took them of the hangers and folded them so i can put them in the boxes. Once i was finished i couldn't help but shed a tear. This was it. I was really leaving. 

Chapter One! Please Comment and Vote and tell me what you think! :D

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