~Chapter 4~ New People, New School, New Drama

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Stefany's P.O.V: This whole situation with Shawn was crazy we weren't a couple or anything, we were just friends. 

It was weird that he kissed me and I kissed back. It felt like it was just the two of us in the world. 

I was soon gonna start high school and I was kind of scared because that meant I had to make new friends and face new challenges. 

I was kinda scared but if that's what was going to happen then I have no choice then to let it happen.

Shawn's P.O.V: I really didn't know what was going on, I kissed her and she kissed me back. I really liked her though but I don't know if she feels the same.

I just met her like a while ago but there's just something special about her, I don't know what it is.

Stefany's P.O.V: Well today was the day, I was going to start high school, I was really nervous but I tried my best not to show it. 

My outfit for my first day was pretty simple, I decided to wear some Balck high waisted shorts with a Blue crop top and some High top converse. 

I looked at the time and realized I was going to be late on my first day, I couldn't let that happen. 

I rushed to grab my Car keys and my Backpack. 

I lived like 15 Minutes away from the school so I got there pretty quickly.

I walked into the Main Office and I asked for my Schedule.

I said "Hello, My name is Stefany and I'm new here and I came to get my schedule." 

The lady n the front desk gave me my schedule, I walked out and started to walk to my first class. I got confused for a moment but then i figured out where to go.

As i was walking i saw so many people, It was crazy.

My first class was Biology, It was a pretty big class because there were so many people in there.

I took my seat and I turned around for a quick second and I saw a girl with Glasses and Brown hair. She seemed really nice so I decided to say Hi and talk to her for a while.

I said "Hey, I'm Stefany! What's your Name?" 

She said "Hey, I'm Karlene! Nice to meet you."

She was really nice and super chill.

Then I met another girl named Cathy. She was Awesome! We had a lot of things in Common so it was easy to talk to her. 

Then at the corner of my eye I saw the Guy  I Met at the park. Shawn. I was freaking out on the inside because I didn't know he came to this school or that he lived near me!

He saw me and he Smiled. I smiled back. He came up to me to talk to me and, Zayummm, It was so hard to focus because he was just so Hot. 

Cathy and Karlene noticed that I was talking to him and right after he went back to his seat they looked at me and mouthed "Get Some!"

I just turned around and laughed.

Class was over and Then I had Choir, I asked Karlene what her next class was and she had choir too. We walked to class together but First we stopped at my locker so I could get my music folder.

Once I got my music folder I was ready to go. 

I was a pretty shy person but Once you get to know me Shyness no longer exists in me. 

I walked into my choir class with Karlene and then I met another girl who was also really nice. 

She came up to me and introduced herself. she said "Hey! I'm Mahogany!"

She had An orange/ Redish hair color, It was really cool though. 

I was talking to Karlene for a while until the teacher told us to start warming up. 

I was pretty focused but at the same wasn't. Karlene saw me getting out of focus and she asked me

"Hey, You doing Ok?"

I said " Yeah, I guess, I'm just having a bit of trouble focusing."

She said "Do you wanna talk about it?"

I said "Sure"

We went to go ask the teacher if we can be excused for just a while and she said that it was tottaly fine with her.

Me and Karlene went to go walk around the school while we talked.

She said "OK so what's going on?"

I said "Well, It's complicated..."

She said "Go ahead tell me, That's what friends are for, Right?"

I said "Yeah Definitely."

She signaled me to go on and I told her what was going on.

I said "OK well there's this awkward situation with Shawn and I really don't know What's going on between the two of us, Like the day We met it was perfect but at the same time I felt like I was doing something wrong. He sang to me and then we kissed but I just don't know How I feel about him, It's just really hard to explain."

She said "I understand how you feel, It was the same with Jack, He liked me and I kind of liked him too but I didn't know How I really felt about him, But I'll help you get through it."

I said "Thank's so much Karlene"

We walked back to class and I felt confident and I knew what I had to do, I was going to talk to Shawn about this whole situation but I needed time to think about how I was going to deal with all this."


And there's Cahpter 4 you guys! :D I got some inspiration from Karlene's story so a lot of Credit goes to her! What do you think Stefany will do? Comment and don't forget to Vote please!!

Stay Lovlie 


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