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Regina's POV
I've been avoiding David for two weeks since the whole 'I love you' incident. I can't believe he said that. He tries to call me or text me even come over but I don't answer. I stay in bed crying because I'm scared to love again. I don't want to get hurt by loosing someone. I've lost too much. And during these past two weeks I've realized I love him too. More than ever. I love him so much it hurts and now I'm getting headache not being around him and with him. I wonder if he's with Snow. Kissing Snow. Loving Snow. Just with her and it kills me.

I get up and get dressed and then I do my hair and makeup. Henry is the only person who's seen me since I woke David. He comes and goes and then stays but he's mostly with Emma. I don't want to shut my own son out but he wants to talk about it and try and bring us together but I just can't. Not now and not ever. I decide it's time to leave the house so I head to granny's. Everyone is whispering as I pass by and staring because no one has seen me in two weeks. I keep walking hating the feeling of everyone's eyes on me. Yes I love attention but not this kind. Everyone wants answers about David and I. And I don't have them. The door rings and I walk in and I sit on the bar stool on the end. Everyone is still staring and I can't take it. "Coffee" Ruby asks. "To go, yes please" I beg. She smiles and get working. I grab my coffee and put a ten on the table. "Regina" I go to walk away put her grabs my arm and pulls me towards him. "Please just talk to me" he says.

"Hi, bye" I walk out and I hear the door jingle and I turn around and see David. I quickly go to cross the street and I hear a horn honk and my body pressed to someone's front. David.

"Let me go" I say angrily as I push his hands away from my hips and i distance myself.

"I don't want to talk to you, I don't want to see you David so please leave me alone"

"I love you" my eyes finally meet his and all I see is love and care. He truly means that.

"What about Snow! Do you know how messed up this is David. I hated her for so many years and then you fall for me! What the hell is wrong with you?! I am a murderer your in love with someone who has murdered so many! Snow has always been there for you so how dare you switch up on her for me her sworn enemy. Who are you!"

"Someone who loves you no matter what. I don't care about that and I'm not with Snow. Because I want to be with you"

"Well I don't want to be with you" I lie, that's such a lie.

"Don't lie Regina! You love me too"

"Well I don't want to! I don't want to love you. Do you realize what I've done"

"I don't care Regina. I just want you" I shake my head.

"If I am with you then I've got exactly what I've wanted since I was a little girl. Revenge. All I wanted was Snow miserable or dead and that's exactly what's she's gonna be. I can't do that. I owe her that at the least charming"

"This is why I love you"

"Stop saying that" I yell. I don't even care that we are in the middle of the street anymore.

"But it's true Regina. No matter how many times you or I try and deny it I am in love with you. I have been since I kissed you outside of granny's. I've been in love with your beauty, your scars, your pain, your regrets, your smile, everything! And it's not going away. I can't loose this and I won't" he says and grabs my face to kiss me. I grab his bicep to pull him closer. I don't know why I'm kissing him back but his kisses are so addicting. This is all I want to do. "We can't" I mumble pushing him away.

"I can't do that to Snow and I won't" I walk away hoping and praying he doesn't follow me and after a while I don't hear footsteps and I'm fine. I sigh and open my door and I quickly go in and throw my purse on the couch. I take my blazer off and I sit on the couch the door bell rings and I groan. "I swear David if your here to go on and on about how much you love me you can LEAVE" I yell and I open the door and I see Snow.

"Hi" I say nervously.

"Hey can we talk" I let her in and I sit on the couch. She follows and looks at me. "I saw what happened in the street today and I heard everything" i groan. "I'm so sorry but I can't help what comes out of that dufuses mouth" she chuckles.

"No i just want to say, let him love you"


"He really wants you regina and as terrible and as much as it hurt me to hear him talk about you he's came to me to vent a few times and he's madly in love with you so just be happy"

"No I can't, your giving up. What happened to the Snow that fought for what she loves? Where did she go?"

"She understands, David fell out with me and into you. He is dying right now with your rejection but he's not giving up. He told me he won't, he won't let love fall by the shore and wash away with the waves. He won't let you go. So give in"

"I can't, I don't want revenge anymore. I'm done with that, I'm don't being like that. If I do this I'm going back to being the evil queen"

"But here's what's different. Despite what you say you love him too and falling for him wasn't supposed to be on the list. If just happened. And neither of you could stop it. Nothing would stop him from loving you. Nothing."

"But it's wrong"

"He said if loving you is wrong then he doesn't want to be right"

"But I can't, not after everything I've done. You deserve happiness not me"

"Your heart will find its way to happiness, Hell it already has"

"That doesn't feel possible"

"But it is! You feel things deeply for him with your whole soul, don't let anything hold you back" she grabs my hands rubbing her thumbs over the skin softly.

I walk into granny's and I see David at the bar. "Regina" I shake my head and grab his coat collar. I kiss him and he grabs my waist kissing me back. This is what happiness feels like. Wrapped in the princes arms is where I belong. This feels amazing, letting myself be happy feeling amazing. "I love you too" I say once we part. He kisses me again smiling against my lips.

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