Chapter 4

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"Sooooo, why are you calling me in the middle of the night?" Alexandra's voice sounded through your phone and you chuckled while letting yourself fall down on your hotel bed.

"I met this guy during my flight to Tokyo..."


"He's really cute. Like gosh darn handsome. And you should see his eyes. Let's not even talk about his hands..." you rambled with a wide smile.

"Okay okay okay. Soooooo you got his number?"

You just ignored her question and told her what happened at the café.

"And then????" You could tell Alexandra was getting hyped on the other side of the phone call.

"Well, after that we walked in the park and he later invited me to a Japanese restaurant. Oh my god... the best sushi of my life. You should've-"

"Y/N! Stop talking about the food, I wanna know about him!"

"YAhhh, Okay stop being impatient. Well, he accompanied me to my hotel and told me that he had a lot of fun and that he would like to redo this sometime," you squeaked happily and Alexandra laughed.

"Did you kiss?"

"No. I just gave him a quick peck on the cheek."

"Y/N-ahhhhhh! Why? Come on!" she whined desperately. 

"You know my rules. No kiss on the first date."

"You are such a nun. That's only because you're still a virgin," she teased you and you blushed.

"Stop it, Alexandra. I just haven't found the right one yet."

"Mhm," she mumbled on the other side, not convinced.

"Plus I was super nervous when we arrived in front of my hotel. Like I could tell he wanted to kiss me, but I panicked and just pecked his cheek before practically running off into the lobby."

"That sure sounds like something you'd do," she laughed and you blushed.

"So you liked him or what? Wait, does he live in Korea?"

"He lives in Seoul-"


"So you will see him again?"

"I guess so." You smiled softly at that, thinking of the white-haired man.

"I mean, I would really like to. It seemed like we just 'clicked', you know? It never got boring and even when we didn't talk it wasn't uncomfortable... And I quite honestly, I could listen to him talk about the things he is passionate about all day long..." your voice was merely a whisper at the end. Don't make me fall so quickly... Damn you, Yoongi.

"Yahhhhh, my Lee Y/N is finally growing up! You should hear the way you talk about him," she giggled.

"Oh shut up Alexandra!" you laughed.


Just before...

Yoongi was about to lean in to kiss you, but you beat him to it, standing on your tiptoes and swiftly placing a soft kiss on his cheek. You lingered in place just a little too long, your soft lips pressed lightly against his milky skin. The warm air escaping his lips brushed against the smooth skin of your cheek, making you blush lightly, goosebumps starting to raise on your arms. "Thank you for taking me back to my hotel," you whispered shyly before letting go and hurrying away into the hotel. You turned around one last time before you pushed the glass door open, taking in as much as you could of the man that had brightened your day so effortlessly. 

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