Bonus Chapter: Babysitting

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"Are you sure you can handle him?" Yoongi asked worriedly, brows furrowed as he looked at his friends. You stood at his side, arm looped around his and tried to reassure him that your beloved baby boy would be in good hands for the night.

"I raised you all, stop worrying!" Jin said sternly before pushing you both out the door. "But-"

"Have fun!" he smiled brightly before shutting the door in your shocked faces. "Call us if anything, I mean ANYTHING goes wrong," Yoongi shouted through the door and you pulled him with you.

"Relax, there are five adult men watching over our child," you tried to assure him but he looked even more doubtful after your words. "We're talking about 5 children watching over our BABY. Are you absolutely sure Namjoon and Alexandra or Jinah aren't free tonight?" he looked towards the door in his back, worry filling his eyes. 

"Namjoon and Alexandra are out on a date. It's been weeks since they last had a moment to themselves and Jinah is at a concert." Yoongi sighed, tearing his gaze away from the heavy wooden door. "Nothing will go wrong, they'll do just fine," he repeated to himself, trying to believe the words that were leaving his mouth as they stood in the elevator.


"We're so NOT doing fine."

"Stop saying that! It won't make the situation any better," Hoseok sighed through clenched teeth while gently swaying the baby in his arms from side to side.

"Why won't he stop crying?" Jimin whined, leaning over Taehyung's back to see the computer screen better.

"How to make a baby stop crying," Taehyung said out loud, eyes moving over the lit up screen while reading. "One. Is the baby hungry?"

"NOPE," Jungkook answered, still crouching on the ground to clean up the food the baby had spilled on purpose.

"Come on," Hoseok hushed the baby boy in his arms, hoping his swaying would calm him down. He grew more and more desperate. „Smile for uncle Hobi," he whispered to the baby that only started crying louder than before. Hoseok looked more than desperate now, he looked as if he was in physical pain.

"Two. Is the baby thirsty?"

Everybody turned towards Jin, "HELL TO THE NO. Just because ARMY keeps saying I'm your mom, I'M NOT GONNA BREASTFEED. I am a MAN, not a WOMAN."

Jungkook's eyes widened before he scrunched his nose in disgust.

"Jin," Hoseok sighed. "How are you the oldest?" he muttered under his breath before facing the broad-shouldered man again. "You told us you had heated up the milk, did you feed him?"

Jin's plumb lips dropped into an 'oh' shape and he nodded.

"Three. Do the baby's diapers need to be changed?" Taehyung continued, ignoring the commotion in front of him.

All eyes turned towards the rapper who stared back in surprise. "I AM NOT CHECKING HIS DIAPERS."

This time it was Jin who sighed and took the baby from the man's arms. "It's diapers. Not an atomic bomb."

He disappeared in the nursery, gently holding the crying baby against his chest.

The others sighed in relief as the noise left the room, giving their poor ears a break. However, the break was shortlived. Jin appeared again, a flustered expression on his face. "Does anyone know how to change diapers?"


„I've missed this," you said softly as you sat across from your fiancé, a gentle smile on your lips. „I did too," he answered, eyes shining in the dim lighting, laying his hand on top of yours, his fingers tracing small patterns on your skin. It had been a long time since you had a romantic night out. The boys' schedule had been busy as always and on top of everything you had Joon to take care of. As much as you both loved your son, he was surely keeping you both busy.

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