1.Blows and punches

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"Miss Eleanora, this is your third time getting in a fight with Mr. Ryder. I am done with you, how many times do I need to make clear that this kind of behaviour isn't tolerable in my school "

I yawn and stare at my principle with a bored expression as his ears get redder due to the fuming volcano burning in his head.

"Do you treat people as if they're nothing. Well if that's the case then you should know you're not everything too "

I slammed my hands on his desk and it resulted in him to abruptly stop his incoherent rantings. The same words that I am not enough, resonate in my head.

"Mr Smith I treat people the way they deserve and if you ever fucking talk to me in that tone, well then I might have to show you how scary I can be, even if it results in me being expelled from this school. And as far as I know, you wouldn't want to do that. Your school's reputation may come crashing down." I said glaring right at him.

Turning around I walk off his office and make my way through the throng of sceptical looks to my locker.

All eyes on me as I shuffle the books from the locker in my bag. Slamming the locker I made clear to everyone to fucking mind their own business. They all leave for their classes and I look through the corridor that always judged me and not the consequences that lead me to be who I am.
My thoughts are disturbed as someone walks towards me.

"Eleanora " he spat with a smirk plastered on his face. His lip still bruised by my punch.

"Man whore " I replied back, making him smirk more.

"Baby you were a good girl, what happened to you. "

"Whatever I was then and am now shouldn't matter you," I say and walk towards my class.

"You think you're getting better, I can clearly see the damage I made and you're becoming a replica of me and it fascinates me, baby," he shouts as I walk away but I cannot subside his words in my head.

I enter the class and without minding the teacher I go and sit at the back. She continues with her explanation and instead of concentrating, I roam in a different dimension.

The school finally came to a halt and in no time I was home. Running to my room, I paused my steps to peep in the kitchen. My Mom baking cake with my dad. They both look so full of life not dead like me, it makes people wonder if I am really their daughter. But I was like them once. Only once...

Staring at my reflection in the mirror the black hair falls up to my shoulders and bangs have made their way up to my eyes. The forest green eyes are dark. The black hoodie and ripped jeans matching my soul. Inhaling deeply I sit by my bead rocking front and back to stop the tears spilling.

They made me this way, I say to myself. I am the bad person. I remind myself

After a long bath, I head to my place of peace. Cycling and feeling the wind through my hair is what calms me the most. Reaching my destination walk up to a bench in front of a lake. The smell of lavenders brings serenity and I lay there with my eyes closed.

My demons all shut down as a drift to a moment of silence from this world of screeching voice.

I say to myself again, I am bad and this makes me stronger.

I recall the person I was, smiling at strangers and playing with the roadside flowers. One mistake of falling for the bad boy and a punishment of eternity. Being broken never bothered me much, but having to cover it up and pretending like nothing happened killed me.

Ryder one day I will make sure to make you feel the same. One day you will learn the musing of a broken heart.

Authors note :
So excited for this book. hope you all love it and support me as you always do.

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