3.The concept of Art .

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"Art is not as diverse as it seems, emotions that affect us the most are the one that flows out as words, metaphors and colours.
It is more than that sometimes it's a change, pain and the hurt and hurting. But mostly art encloses pain, its made of the broken and bruised and it stands on vulnerabilities. " the words that Mrs Morstan spoke so effortlessly let some to believe it while some held the expression of an argument.

"This is what we'll implement in today's class. All of you here must have gone through something that has hurt you the most or changed you from that moment onwards. Allow it to flow as art today, in the form of a painting. Another fascinating aspect is that your art will be interpreted by your classmates. This will help you understand the concept of Art. "

I looked at the empty canvas in front of me. And glanced at the others. They had enthusiastic hands that waved through the white as if the ripples of pain and agony were at their fingertips. But it wasn't only me who's hand trembled. Daniella has a brush in her hand dipped in red paint which still rested between her fingers. And the black hoodie sat staring at the canvas.

I debated what to splash onto the sheets. It wasn't like one moment where everything changed, it was the accumulation of catastrophes that imploded in me gradually and all at once.

After a long time, I smeared all the colours and spread it using my hands. The direction of my hand was completely random. And in the end, the only thing my canvas had was a massive irregular black hole. Nothing less, nothing more.

"Well times up, children. Display your canvas in front of the class and please take your seats. I'll call anyone of you to interpret the art I choose."

Each painting you would see had the potentials of amazing artists. The illustrations and beautification of pain were clearly evident. The only three canvas that stood out were mine, Danielle's and the black hoodie's. Not because they were something to be praised, but they were worse than any elementary kids paintings.

Daniella's canvas had a streak of red that's all and his canvas was completely empty not even a dot but it was crumbled and then straightened out.

The expression on Mrs Morstan face was of serenity and muffled smile. It scared me, to be honest.

"The three of you, please come here and stand next to your canvas ." I did as she said and so did the other two.

"Darius Findlay, Danielle rosette and Eleonora Martinez. Am I right? Well we will first start with you miss Eleonora and your art will be interpreted by Daniella. Please proceed dear and tell us what you understand "

She glanced over to my canvas trying to understand the meaning behind it, but I knew she wouldn't be able to do it as I myself have no certainty about it.

"I believe the dark side of each emotion accumulates and then spreads as pain."

The entire class screamed silence, and I was taken aback. She still had that creepy smile on her face, it made me shiver like I was drenched in goosebumps. What she said baffled me for it was the most accurate interpretation anyone can give but how. For only I know that my pain seeps through every emotion.

"Well, you did good honey, now Darius please give your views on Danielle's painting." It was now that I came to know his name was Darius, it sounded familiar but I couldn't pinpoint where I heard it before.

"Mrs Morstan, Danielle's canvas has just a red streak, which means she devours on love and doesn't mind the danger it bears. "

Daniella gives an approving smile to him but none of his expressions were evident due to the hoodie that covered his face.

"Indeed Mrs Morstan, what content Darius was able to draw from the work was true. But there were some points missing which I would like to fill it. The White sheet is my life which is unambiguous to the people that dwell in that zone of neutrality but the one that resides in that streak of love, they warm my soul and for them, I'd fight any danger, any wrath. But the fire burns us down too, and so I've limited the access of my devotion so people don't draw ashes out of me."

It was weird to stand there and listen to the way she expressed her insanities about love. For I had not even an atomic size faith in it. People overrated it and it soon became a fantasy each one of us aches for.

"Eleonora now please interpret Mr.Findlay's painting and tell your perspectives."

Through the bangs of my hair, I looked at him and then at the canvas. It was as empty as he was.

"It's empty and it's abandoned."


My body ached by the end of the day. I laid on my bed hands and feet stretched apart and feeling completely feeble after a warm bath.  Done with homework and all I had nothing to do, and so I enjoyed the peace.

As the slumber was taking over me, my phone buzzed off startling me. I looked over and saw a message from Xavier. Asking me to come to the alley as soon as possible.

Xavier was one of person who introduced e to street fighting. It was during the time when Ryder broke up with me. I started it to subside my anger but then I developed a passion for boxing and continued it as a practice.

Dressed up in black leggings and a tank top. I ran over to the place. My face was usually covered by a black mask and I had a cap on too.  Two figures fought wild and harsh surrounded by the crowd of people.

Xavier headed up to me and engulfed me in a very suffocating hug. Sometimes I never understand how he ended up in this violent game. He is the big brother I never had.

"Listen El, I called you here to meet someone who is new in our team. And I've seen him fight, he is a complete beast. " he waved to some guy who walked up to us.

He had pitch black hair similar to mine and chocolate brown eyes. The freckles outlined the bridge of his nose and the eyebrow cut gave his features a bit more rawness.

"El this is the one about whom I was taking and he is Darius Findlay."

It then occurred to me why his name was familiar. He was the one who defeated Sebastian,  the best street fighter.
And so brutal was the fight, that Sebastian gave up street fighting since then.

Authors note :
Umm I've nothing to say. Hope you'll find my work worth reading for.
And any opinion about Darius.
And who's masterpiece infatuated you the most.
Also important thing this beautiful cover was made by none other than the multi talented LalaWahm.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2018 ⏰

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