Side Note

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I try to update this story as much as I can I see I have a few views which makes me want to finish this book up, give me some input I like feed back. I like your guys thoughts on certain things please know that If I'm not hearing readers opinion I will not finish this book up, I'm trying my best to show you guys it's not always the men in the relationships or  it's not always the cheating that can tear a family's us women insecurities and doubts we have within ourselves, our man & our relationship this how most of us loyal women becomes single because we let our past come take over our future....we gotta start treating our KINGS like KINGS & show them they're truly appreciated especially the ones who treat their women with love and our black men not loved enough in America we gotta show them no matter who's against them we're not against them we love them..!

Young Black Kings You Are Loved.

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