The start of something new...:

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My hands shake as I reach for the white envelope in my dads hands. His eyes narrow, spite flows through them. My mum cocks her eyebrow arms crossed over her chest. I gulp harshly. Taking a quick inhale. I practically tear it open. I read the words but it's like it's not registering, in bold black writing it says:

Dear miss Andrews

As you are aware. Your 18th birthday is upon you and given all of the facts, pro's and con's and data of your being, we the council have made a decision based upon these very things. We can assure you that we do not take these decisions lightly, nor do we accept any and all rebellion against any and all decisions made in your best interest.

You have been accepted to be a mate to the Beta of the Blackwater pack. You will need to be packed an ready for transport in one weeks time. A courier will arrive to escort you to your new home, to see that you arrive safely and securely. Please pack any belongings and essentials that you will need, anything else will be provided for by your new mate. The only exception is no pets and no silver, prepare any and all family members by this time. And we will expect you to be ready by the 17th may 9:00am.

Your sincerely

The council of human and werewolf relations.

I try to remain calm and emotionless as I finished reading aloud the last sentence of the letter. Inside I was screaming, my inner girl was jumping up and down dancing to her own beat. I had been ACCEPTED!!!!! My parents were eerily quiet, I glance at them and notice the look padding between both of them, finally my father sends me a hard glare and stalks off. My mother hangs her head low, purses her lips and confidently says to me. "Well..... at least we won't have to deal with any of your..... daft, unnecessary, untrue words about those mutts anymore..... I just hope you know what you've gotten yourself into.... be warned! They won't welcome you with open arms.... they hate us just as much as we hate them!" With that she spun on her Gucci heels and sauntered off.

No goodbyes, no be safe, no I'll miss you, no hugs or goodbyes kisses, no tears or anything. That's how it always was. Ever since I was little, they treated me like a disease, like I wasn't wanted, a waste of space, an abnormality. A freak. But not even my mothers attitude could put a dent on my delighted face. I squealed and ran to my room.

Throwing my white oak door open, it bounced off the wall and slammed shut, I throw myself onto my bed, and smile brightly, I start to imagine how my mate would react, what the pack would be like, is my mate tall or short? Is he dark or blonder then a milky bar? Tattoos or no tattoos? Smoker or non smoker? Kind or..... no I didn't want to think that way, I was sure he was kind. Like I had always imagined.

Ever since I could imagine, I always pictured a tall, dark, handsome, kind shifter, well built, tanned, clear blue eyes, the kind that made you think of tropical waters, with a deep laugh. He would be funny and smart, patient and kind, alluring yet charming. That would be kind to all, always value my opinion and always cuddle me goodnight, we'd grow old together watching our children and grandchildren, stay up late watching the sun set and rise.

The bubbles of warm excitement tickled my stomach, I closed my eyes and drifted off to the dreams that always caught up with me, sitting on a patio swing, the sun slowly going down casting shadows on his square jaw whilst a deep laugh eminated from his throat making his eyes crinkle and sparkle. Before I knew it I was deep in sleep.

The beta's enemy mateWhere stories live. Discover now