Chapter 6: Surprise Time! Pt 2: A Living Legend

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The crowd stood in shocked silence as they stared at the figure before them.

Kneeling on one knee with her head cased downwards was a young girl with short, dark blue hair. She was adorned with a black cloak with gold trimmings, with silk red clothing underneath. On her wrist was a sapphire bracelet, with a matching pair of teardrop shaped earrings on her ears. Around her neck was a blue chocker like necklace and at her waist a sword.

The Fairies were shocked at the strange turn of events, while the royal family and almost all the crowd stared as if it were a ghost that knelt before them. One thought ran across their minds in that moment:

'It couldn't be....!'

The room was silent, all eyes on the strange young girl. Her eyes were closed as she knelt in what seemed like a statue like state, her head lowered.

A gasp was heard, followed by several others, as the girl raised her head to take in a breath, her eyes still closed.

'What is this?! Why am I in the palace?' Alyia's thoughts asked as she searched through the aura signatures of the people in the room. Her confusion only mounted once she realized the large number of people around her, all dressed in frilly gowns and suits.

A throbbing feeling erupted in her head as she stood to her feet. Her action earned another gasp and some movement from the crowd, though she paid it little attention as she clutched her head with one hand.

'Gah! My head hurts! Why do I feel so strange?! I need answers!'

Turning her gaze forward, she found an aura signature that was all too familiar to her.

'Nato! Brother!'

She moved forward towards the one with her brother's aura....

Natsu looked around him bewildered, before turning back and pointing a finger to his chest with a confused expression.

'Yes you! And this is no time for your games!' she said making various gestures with her arms.

"Games?! What game? And how can you see with your eyes closed?" Natsu said as the blue haired maiden now stood mere centimeters away from him.

'Enough playing! Why are these people in the palace all dressed up? We should be preparing for a battle! And why do our enemies from Fiore stand amongst us?!'

"Hay! Those are my friends! And this is a party! One you weren't invited too!"

'A party! Of course! You must be drunk then! And they call me the lightweight! You baka!'

"Who are you calling 'baka'?!"

The crowd sweatdroped at the exchange, as all they were seeing was Natsu arguing with a closed eyed maiden who's only communicated through moving her arms the entire time.

"The heck is going on?" Gray voiced the concerns of the rest of his guild. "How are those two even communicating?"

"Through thoughts, I guess!" Lucy said with a sweatdrop.

"It must be telepathy."

The guild turned to Makarov, who in turn glanced at the princess to see what she thought of the strange situation.

Celine said nothing, only stood from the throne she sat on with Eric and Alex on either side. Both with just as curious gazes as the fairys.

"Young maiden." she said softly.

'That voice! Lady Diane!?'

"Who?" Natsu asked confused at the strange way she addressed the princess. Her attention though was now on the princess that stood before her; who's gaze was as soft and curious as her younger brother's.

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