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Sofia was having the best day. She spent the entire afternoon walking around Ibiza with Sebastian, Sarah and Luca. Even though she was a bit nervous at first, she was glad to see how well everyone got along. But what really wrecked her nerves was the dinner Sofia's mom joining them for dinner.

"Do you think she'll like me?" Sebastian asked, referring to Penelope Cruz.

"Actually the sweetest woman on earth." Sarah answered. "I think she'll like you. She told me she's excited to meet the man that's been making her Sofia so happy."

"Huh? When the hell did she tell you that?"

"We text." Sarah shrugged, reaching over the table to steal one of Luca's grapes to which he gave her a playful glare.

"How long have you two been friends?"
Sebastian asked, looking between the two women who were staring at each other like they were having a conversation that no one else could hear.

"Since we were about five years old?" Sofia smiled as she stared at her best friend. "We went to the same ballet class and after falling flat on our asses for like the fiftieth time, we soon realized ballet just wasn't for us."

"And we've been inseparable ever since."

"It may seem sweet but they're actually very annoying when you get them in one room." Luca announced, chewing on another grape. "That is why I try my best to keep a few countries between them."

"Asshole." Sofia and Sarah blurted out at the same exact time.

It wasn't too long after when Sarah and Luca decided to head back to their hotel. They'd be on a flight to London in the morning and figured they should try to get some sleep.

Sofia and Seb headed back to her place, exhausted and hungry. To Sebastian's surprise both Dany and Drogo instantly greeted them, sliding their bodies all around his legs.

Sofia's heart warmed at the sight. Anyone that knew her, knew how important her cats were to here. She loved the sight of her favorite human getting along with them.

Ingredients out, knives sharpened and cutting boards on the counter—Sofia messily tied her hair up ready to get to work. She figured she'd do something easy, something her mom showed her how to make. So she washed, chopped and minced all the stuff she needed.

It wasn't until she turned around that she noticed Sebastian leaning against the counter behind her with a certain look in his eyes.

"Nope." She laughed. "Not right now."

"I have no idea what your talking about."

"Mhm." Sofia hummed. "You're giving me those eyes."

Sebastian tried his best to act clueless but she wasn't falling for it. He took a few steps closer to her. "What eyes?"

"You know what eyes!"

"Okay, fine." Sebastian laughed, raising his hands up in surrender. "Give me a kiss and I'll leave you alone."

Heat rushed to her face before she gave in. Sofia took his face into her hands, propping herself up on her toes and planted a big one on him. She smiled against his lips as his arms snaked around her waist pulling her closer to him.

"Isn't this sweet." A familiar voice to Sofia but unrecognizable to Sebastian filled the kitchen causing the both of them to quickly pull away from each other.

Sofia's face heated up even more. "Mami."

Penelope smirked, shaking her head lightly. "Mi amor," she spoke, pressing a few kisses all over her daughters face. "You look good."

"I feel good."

"Por supuesto que sí." Penelope rolled her eyes. "And you must be Sebastian."

Sebastian quickly noticed that they said his name the same exact way. "Yes. It's so nice to meet you. Sofia always talks about you."

"Good things I hope?"

"All good things." Sebastian confirms. "She adores you." He says, briefly glancing at Sofia who was grinning to widely, it made his heart want to burst inside his chest.

"Diciendo todas las cosas correctas." Penelope smiled, pulling him in for a hug and quick kiss to his cheek. "Bueno....Sofia."

"Tan bueno." Sofia confirmed, nodding.

Sebastian tried his best to catch on but it was no use. He simply smiled as he watched the mother-daughter duo enter the kitchen, bringing down wine glasses and throwing minced garlic & onions into a pot.

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