Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 beauty in everything

AN: Hope you all are enjoying it so far, for pictutrs check out this story on my wattpad. @evilregalsq7

^December 3rd 2016^

*11:30 pm*

"Pearl...?" Blanche askedquietly as she entered the room.

"MmMomma?" Pearl calledback, searching the dark room for the voice.

"I'm here baby, are you inpain?" Blanche asked, settling in the chair beside Pearls bed.

Pearl shook her head and burroweddeeper into the bed.

Blanche moved the chair closer,letting her hand push her bangs out of the way, revealing an ovalbirthmark in the center of her forehead.

"What's wrong with me...?"Pearl whispered into the darkness, soothed by her mothers touch.

"I don't know love, but I'mgoing to find out and you're going to get better..." Blanchesaid as she kissed her forehead and let her daughters eyes slowlyshut as she fell back asleep.


"So, tell me what's wrong withher..." Blanche said, her voice monotoned to conceal the worryshe felt eating her up inside.

"Well like I said before, wewould like to biopsy the lump, to rule out some things.." Theman said, locking eyes with Blanche.

"Tell me what it could be,don't sugar coat anything, you're thinking cancer." Blanche saidher voice painfully cold.

"Well I obviously don't knowanything for sure, it could be a benign tumor and all that we wouldneed to do is remove it to relive the pressure" He spoke with asoothing tone as if he'd done this a million times, she supposed thathe had.

"Or?" Blanche pushed on.

"Or it could be malignant andin that case we would need to look at all our options, see if it hadspread anywhere, find what type of cancer it is. But let's not getahead of ourselves."

Blanche nodded but said nothingelse.

"We'll plan the biopsy fortomorrow morning once she gets some rest, her friends can all see herafterward."


When Blanche left the Doctor sheheaded back for the waiting room to tell the group of friends thenews she had, well, some of it.

When she stepped out from theswinging doors into the nearly empty waiting room three of the fourpeople waiting shot up and rushed to her, the fourth standing slowlyleaning on her cane as her blue headscarf flowed down her back, yetshe was the first to speak, "how is she?" Blue asked fromacross the room.

When she stepped out from theswinging doors into the nearly empty waiting room three of the fourpeople waiting shot up and rushed to her, the fourth standing slowlyleaning on her cane as her blue headscarf flowed down her back, yetshe was the firs...

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"She's asleep right now, theygave her some medication for the pain and she just drifted off, theycouldn't find anything broken so that's good news, but that lump,that you'd felt, they're going to biopsy it and let me know in themorning." Blanche said, walking to Blue and having her oldersister sit back down. The three young women trailing behind her.

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