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Venice P.O.V.

My throat was sore and it my head was hurting very bad, I looked deadly, I could barely speak and I didn't slept because I was reading a book all night. So except the fact that I got the flu I'm also sleepy.

At least I'm not going to school. To be honest, though, I would prefer to go to school instead of being in my couch with a headache and an inaudible voice.

I placed the book in my nightstand, next to the small uncomfortable couch, and went back to the main house to take some aspirins and also change from my T-Shirt to something warmer. I grabbed the hoodie Rob bought me, it was really warm and soft.

I also took a pillow, a blanket and some books from my room to the garage since it's were I'm spending my day.I wasn't actually sure if Rob was coming I mean he has better things to do. It was 9:00 am, the classes has already began. Let alone that if me and Rob wasn't there everybody would thought that we are somewhere together. No way he is coming.

I kept thinking what should I do today, I could play piano or guitar, write a song because the deadline is on 30th May and half of my grade is based on it, read a book or watch a movie. Huge dilemma , which is stupid actually because I should obviously choose the song since it's actually important. The thing is that I don't know what should I write about Rob. In the end I would end up with a love song . Not that I love him, I mean I do but not in that way, I may actually has a minor crush on Jason. I mean he was hot, but this is just immoral and stupid , I mean I met him yesterday. I suddenly heard a knock in the garage door.

Rob came. He was there and he was smiling but his eyes were filled with concern.

"You look terrible." he admitted.

"Good morning to you, too." I snorted.

"Did you sleep at all? " he asked entering the garage.

"No, I was kind of distracted, I finished a 500 hundred pages book." I said proudly.

"So, instead of sleeping you try to break a record or something?" he asked.

"No, I just liked the book. It's actually the third time I read it." I admitted and I sat back on the couch.

"Which book?" he asked sitting next to me.

"Wuthering Heights." I said simply.

"I have already read it, it's kind of depressing." he said.

"No, it's an amazing heart-breaking story." I said defending my favourite book.

"You are really cute with that red nose." he said with a goofy smile.

"I am not, and my situation sucks." I said.

"Why is that, Little One?" he asked.

"Because I can barely speak and my head is burning! And let's not forget about the sneezing." I said sounding overdramatic.

"Have you taken your temperature ?" he asked.

"Actually, no." I said.

He touched my forehead and his hand was suddenly really cold.

"You are burning!" he said freaking out.

"Hey, relax it's not like I'm dying." I said caressing his hand.

"Should you go to see a  doctor or something, Little One, I'm worried." he said as calm as he could.

"I took some aspirins is just a flu, Rob. If I sleep or at least relax I'm going to be fine. " I said trying to calm him down because seriously he doesn't exactly help me relax.

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