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~3 months later~ 

Venice P.O.V. 

I felt my whole body shaking as I was holding his hand whilst he was driving. At first I promised myself that I would be calm so he wouldn't regret leaving, but the state I was at the moment was the opposite of calm. 

The previous three months were in fact the best months of my life. I made a whole album for my mum's movie, I spent time with my friends, with my family and of course Rob.

Rob was the sweetest boy in the world. He called me every night just so he could say 'goodnight' if we weren't sleeping together. Also he had gave me half of his closet to be honest. Almost every time I was in his house I ended up leaving with a huge jumper of his. Being with him was so unbelievably great.

But, now, I had to face reality, a really awful reality. Rob is going to New York in three hours and I'm going to London next month. I'm going to study acting, Bob, the movie director, suggested that I should play in the next movie and I was thrilled to say the least. Also I've missed London.

I looked at our hands and I sensed Rob's hand trembling a little bit too. I looked up I  his eyes and I saw that his beautiful green eyes were watery. I couldn't help but laugh as I felt a tear escaping my eye. He didn't say anything and I could see he was putting a lot effort not to cry. I didn't know who was comforting who anymore. 

After, some minutes he pulled over at the LAX parking lot. I got out of the car whipping my tears and taking a deep breath. I can do this. 

I waited for him to take his luggage so we could go inside, but for some reason he was taking way longer than normal. 

"Hey are you okay?" I asked and went near him only to see him pinching the bridge of his nose as he was taking a deep breath. I immediately buried myself inside his arms and since I was so short it wasn't difficult. He didn't react at first but after some seconds he wrapped his arms around my petite waist. 

"I don't think I can do it. Leave you." he said burying his head on my hair.

"You have to. I promise you everything will be fine, we will FaceTime everyday. You'll see. And in 3 months we will be back here. Together. But you are going to miss your flight, and there is no way I will allow that. Even if I have to carry you." I said smirking.

"You are way to short and skinny to carry anyone." he said dazzling me with his beautiful smile.

"Shut up, no let's go." I said and I grabbed his hand trying to make him move.

"I love you." he whispered as he chuckled and finally walked with his luggage in hand.

We finally got inside and after he checked in we waited until his flight was ready to go. Unfortunately, time passed quicker than I expected. He was about to go and I wasn't ready to say goodbye.

I walked him until the security machines and then he would be gone.  I felt my eyes getting watery again but I couldn't care less. I looked up to meet a pair of puffy green eyes starring at mine. I smiled lightly as I reached out to caress his cheek and he lightly leaned on my hand.

"I swear to god if you cheat on me, I'm going to kill you." I joked.

"Who can replace you, Little One?" he said looking deep in my eyes with his beautiful smile.

"I don't know, a hot blonde model?" 

"Nah, I prefer redheads or brunets." he said smirking.

"Cool, also no surprises unless you tell Beth or Lily, I don't want to end up in New York and you in London at the same time." I said laughing and he did too.

"Venice, you are the best thing that have ever happened to me' he pulled out a little box and I felt my eyes widening 'don't worry, I'm not proposing you. It's a promise ring. I promise you that I'll be there for you everytime you need me even if I'm a sea away. You are my 'zing' and I'm not going to lose you, not now and not ever." he said slipping the ring in my finger. 

"After all this time you'll still want to stay with me?" I asked as tears were escaping my eyes.

"Always" he said and he crashed his lips on mine. 

This kiss meant the world to me. I knew, now, that whatever the odds were he would stay with me forever. And for the first time in my life I thought that I might had my happy ever after.


Dear Lily,

Life is unpredictable. Also unfair.

Sometimes things happen when you are not ready. They come and they can crash your world. Sometimes they can lighten it up. But we need darkness to acknowledge the light. 

I would have never imagined that I would find Rob, in my favourite Karaoke bar in London, singing 'Marry You' when I was 24 and some seconds later he proposed to me. With an actual diamond ring. One of the best days of my life. 

I would have never imagined that my sister would call me to announce me that she is going to Harvard. I was so proud of her. 

I would have never imagined how beautiful my wedding day would be. I still do not believe that I got married at 25. I always imagined me living with 13 cats. 

Or that I would adopt a beautiful little girl, you know that I talk about you. You were always a daddy girl, you had Rob wrapped around your little finger.

But, bad things comes along with the good ones.

At the age of 23 I was in a coma for 3 months just because I had a panic attack. I'd never seen Rob so sad and lifeless before. When I recovered I also found out I couldn't have children. I cried for a solid 2 days. Rob stayed by my side at every moment, we even ended up having a big fight. Because I accused him of staying with me only because he pitied me. How stupid of me.

Another day, I still have nightmares about is the day of my dad's car crash. Fortunately he survived. Spend some hours in the hospital holding his hand. 

But, after all this things I still remain myself and I'm a survivor. I still live in LA with Rob, you and our dog Toby. I still see Lily and her husband Jason. It never worked out with Tom. He was happily married with a girl he met in college, they live in Washington. I enjoy visiting them.

My life had been a roller coaster but I wouldn't change it for anything in the whole world. Because  despite everything I have a family, my friends, a really good job as I had already made 4 albums, and love above all. I never noticed before how special some things might be, because to be honest I was noticed, but I never noticed things around me and how powerful they could be. 

I want you to read this every time you fell unmotivated or scared that your life is a mess and know that above all, love and faith is everything you need. 

Love always and Forever, Venice.

~The End~

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